Julius Caesar A short Biography
The Roman Empire Around 500 B.C. Romans decided to begin enacting democracy…they were being ruled by a king. The new democracy formed a Roman Senate, much like our senate today. During the rise of the government, the Romans began taking over all of the Italian Peninsula.
Political Tension The senate operated within the empire for years and years, but at one point there was a civil war. After the Civil War, it was decided that the senate was not powerful enough. Three men joined up to take over the empire. The senate was still around but, these three were in charge. Pompey Julius Caesar Crassus
This is the area that Caesar has just conquered at the beginning of the play
The Trio (1 st Triumvirate) Pompey, Crassus, and Caesar control Rome for about 10 years Crassus Dies in a war with the Parthians Pompey Julius Caesar Pompey and Caesar engage in a civil war that results in the death of Pompey at the hands of Egyptians loyal to Caesar
Gaius Julius Caesar a timeline 100 B.C. Caesar was born 85 B.C. Caesar’s father dies, he marries 1 st wife Cornelia (their daughter: Julia) – He is later ordered to divorce her, he refuses and is put on a list to be executed. Goes into hiding.
79 B.C. Caesar begins a career as a lawyer and gains prominence around Rome 75 B.C. Caesar kidnapped by pirates and held for ransom. Once he was released, he had the pirates executed. 60 B.C. Joined the First Triumvirate 59 B.C. Married his 3 rd wife Calpurnia
58 B.C. Caesar leaves to conquer Gaul and most of central Europe. 49 B.C. Caesar begins the Civil War with Pompey Oct, 2 48 B.C. Caesar is presented with the head of the defeated Pompey in Alexandria, Egypt. --In his time in Egypt he has a relationship with Cleopatra and they produce a son: Caesarion February 44 B.C. Appointed dictator perpetuus
Romans to Know Marc Antony: A trusted friend of and general in Caesar’s army. Becomes a ruler of Rome himself, and marries Cleopatra after Caesar’s death. Brutus: A Roman senator with extreme moral integrity. Always wanted what was best for Rome
1.What day is Ides of March March 15
2. Why are Marullus and Flavius angry with the commoners? For celebrating Caesar’s victory when they were just supporting Pompey
3. Why did Marullus and Flavius take down all of the decorations on Caesar’s statues? They didn’t think Caesar was worthy of them.
4. How many times did Marc Antony offer Caesar a crown? 3
5. What did Caesar do each time he was offered the crown, according to Casca? Pushed it away, but his fingers lingered on it each time. Shows that he secretly wanted the crown.
6. What kind of men does Caesar want around him and why? Fat, sleek-headed men who sleep at night
7. Cassius is said to have a ____ and ____ look. Lean and hungry
8. At the end of Act I, how did Cassius plan to trick Brutus into thinking the Romans are wanting his help? Throw letters “from the people of Rome” through his window claiming Caesar is ambitious and telling Brutus how much they respect him.
9. Which two men did the conspirators discuss killing? Caesar and Antony
10. What does Brutus mean when he compares Caesar to a serpent’s egg? He only becomes dangerous when he “hatches” or gets more power.
11. Explain Calpurnia’s nightmare. Caesar’s statue was spouting blood and the people of Rome were washing their hands in his blood.
12. Who stabs Caesar first? Casca
13. Who stabs Caesar last? Why is this ironic? Brutus; he was his good and trusted friend
14. What is a soliloquy? An act of speaking one’s thoughts out loud when by oneself
15. What are the 3 conditions Brutus sets for allowing Antony to speak at the funeral? Cannot say anything bad about the conspirators Can say anything good about Caesar Must say he does it with Brutus’ permission
16. What were the 2 reasons that Brutus is angry with Cassius in Act 4? He accused Cassius of taking bribes and says that is not honorable. He asked Cassius for money to pay his troops and was denied the money.
17. What 2 things did Antony and Octavius do at the beginning of Act 4 that was less than honorable? Plan to cut down Caesar’s will – less money paid out to the people Use Lepidus only as a “tool”
18. Name the 3 men in charge of Rome at the beginning of Act 4. Antony, Octavius, Lepidus
19. What is a motif? Something that is repeated throughout a book or story
20. Name at least one motif that we have seen in “Julius Caesar.” Bad omens, the number 3: crown, Calpurnia crying out, washing hands in blood, Ides of March
21. Dramatic irony is when the audience knows something that the characters on stage do not know. Be able to give an example of dramatic irony from the play.
22. What were Caesar’s last words? “Et Tu, Brute! Then fall Caesar.”