Kom verder. Saxion. Practice what you preach The importance of elastic bands Margriet Braun Gitta Griffioen Ilse Boswinkel Tamara Loohuis FICE Congress Bern, October 2013
Kom verder. Saxion. The importance of elastic bands in The Netherlands
Kom verder. Saxion. The six principles of the Expedition -Inclusion (commitment, connection) -Strength based approach -Added value -Balance -Emergence -Congruency
Kom verder. Saxion. Family based ->Rule based -> Value based Development of Dutch society
Kom verder. Saxion. ELASTIC BANDS TABLE What is helpful, what is not helpful SubjectPulling backward/not helpfulPulling forward/helpful WorkDo what has to be done, act like a machineDo what contributes to your and other people’s life, be inspired Awareness Me Unconscious of dynamics, patterns, your own space and effects Victim of change Conscious of dynamics, patterns, your own space and effects Core of change Problem-ownerMostly someone else, otherwise meWe own the problem ControlFrom power/hierarchy by staff and management, focused on how Dialogue based on mission, vision and principles, giving space to the how, control as interaction of customer's demand, teams and administrative framework DecisionFrom hierarchical responsibility From proximity in the implementation TeamOutside the team: - addressing an individual - giving an individual assignment - answering individual “How-questions” Outside the team: - addressing a team - assignments are teamassignments - offering space to a team to answer the “How-question” Inside the team: - let matters be unspoken - doubts about intentions - focus on a shared “How” - thinking from an average/prevailing culture Inside the team: - addressing each other on results - startingpoint of good intentions - focus on mission and vision - thinking from diversity ThreatActing as a motivatorSolving problems together ResultsAre being forced Born out of trust, connection and direction
Kom verder. Saxion. How to reach the principles Dialogue Teams Incidents
Kom verder. Saxion. Before Many written and unwritten interfering rules - Among social workers - Towards youngsters in residential care System determines work processes Dependent of managers - Hesitant of responsibility - Strong need to be covered by senior members of staff in organisation
Kom verder. Saxion. After Rules (legal) provide a framework, leaving ample room for the social worker him or herself Emphasis on participant involvement: client’s needs are the starting point. His or her questions determine the steps to be taken Appeal to own responsibility of social worker
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 1– Daycare for young children Who is ‘in charge’ After: - Parents need to be more involved. - Dialogue with parents: what would they like, what would work. Before: - Parents need to be more involved - Plan of action is written. Weekly activities. Parents should follow this plan.
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 1– Daycare for young children Principles Inclusion - connect with parents Strength based – possibilities of parents Value Not the organization, but the client is leading Elastic band: result Helping: born out of connection and trust Not helping: results are forced
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 2 – Initial assessment Procedure or client Before - Client enters youth services by an indication. Senior practitioner. Behavioral specialist diagnosis, back to senior practitioner. Social worker. First contact with client, based on schedule of worker After - Client enters youth services by an indication. Client is assigned to senior practitioner, who gets into contact with client.
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 2 – Initial assessment Principles Inclusion - connect with parents Creating opportunities for strength based approach and added value Value Client centered as opposed to process driven Elastic band: work Helping: do what contributes to client´s life Not helping: do what has to be done
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 3 – Residential care Residential care Before: general ‘agreements’ for all youngsters (10-16). Sign for it on entry Once a week alone-time in room. After dinner: 45 minutes of rest. Breakfast at 8 o’clock, dressed and showered, dinner at 6. ‘These ain’t no agreements, these are rules’ After: Guidelines, tailored. Those who need to learn how to be on their own should get some alone-time each week. Different forms of being alone
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 3 – Residential care Principle Strength based Value Creating possibilities to add value Elastic band: control Helping: Dialogue based on mission and vision Not helping: power based, staff defines
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 4– Working routines Home visit outside regular working hours, due to parental access agreements. After: Benefits are clear, social worker has ability to do this. It happens. Before: Discussion in team about desirability of this procedure. Not all social workers are able to agree with such proposals. What does Collective Labour Agreement state about this?
Kom verder. Saxion. Example 4- Working routines Principle Emergent: go with the flow Congruent Value Responding to clients wishes and needs Elastic band: in the team Helping:Thinking from diversity Helping: Focus on mission and vision Not helping: Thinking from a shared how
Kom verder. Saxion. Discussion 1.Are these examples familiar? 2.Do you recognize the change in approach? 3.Tips and trics