Vocab 7
abhor To regard with horror or loathing I love technology when it works; when it doesn’t, I _______ it!
corrosive Eating away gradually, bitterly sarcastic The ______ properties of her words were as toxic as acid.
martinet Strict disciplinarian, stickler for the rules The general was a ____ when it came to following orders.
squalid Filthy, wretched The streets of Berlin were ____ scenes of poverty and need.
amend To change in a formal way, to change for the better They had to ____ the plan several times before it was successful
discern To see clearly, to recognize With the magnifying glass, he was able to ____ the fibers in the cloth.
obviate Anticipate and prevent, remove, dispose of The janitor had to ____ the waste twice a day.
turbulent Disorderly, violent, stormy, riotous The _____ waves caused everyone to become seasick.
chaos Great confusion, disorder The staff hurried to clean up the ____ in the office before the boss came back.
implicate To involve in, to connect or be related to I don’t want to ____ you, but why do you have 100 rolls of toilet tissue in your car?
reprehensible Deserving blame or punishment The thief’s behavior was _____; he stole both my money and my cat!
voluminous Of great size; numerous, at great length I gave up the _____ monthly bills piled up and went electronic.
commodious Roomy, spacious Her new office was far more ____ than her former cubicle.
inter To bury Arlington Cemetery is where the United States will ____ the bodies of soldiers.
somber Dark, gloomy, depressed or sad in spirit When he received the ____ news, he made plans to be at the funeral.
waive To do without, give up He signed the contract that would ___ his right to protest the amount later.
extant Still existing, NOT destroyed or lost As long as any part of the skeleton is found, DNA is ____ in the cells.
Buffet To slap, strike repeatedly, a slap or blow The meterologist expected the huricane to ____ the East Coast.
renegade An outlaw; a deserter, traitor The ____ Ninja warrior left his clan and was hailed as evil by those he left behind.
vociferous Loud, noisy, wanting attention The ____ politician ranted on and on, the big turkey!