Copy the ENTIRE statement below and identify the CONCLUSION by highlighting or underlining it. Look, if we can’t trust international law to convict terrorists, who don't deserve the protection of our Constitution or Bill of Rights anyway, why shouldn't they be tried in secret by the U. S. military?
Finding the conclusion is important, because this is what the speaker wants us to accept and believe. Ask yourself, “What is the speaker trying to prove?”
The conclusion is the last step in a reasoning process. If someone makes a claim that something is true or something should be done – without giving any support, this is what we call an opinion. It is not a conclusion.
Identify the issue Look for key words: ThereforeConsequentlyThus It follows thatThis proves thatSo Here’s the point.The truth is…As a result In conclusion Look at the beginning and end Sometimes conclusions are implied. Ask yourself, “So what does the speaker want me to believe?”
“Since animals are also intelligent— often far more intelligent than newborn babies for example, it follows that they deserve kind treatment from human beings and that it is wrong to treat them with cruelty.” Women work just as hard as men and are just as productive. Therefore they should be compensated the same.
Home schooling is a good idea for parents who are well-trained and patient, and who make it their full-time job. However, the truth of the matter is that few parents have this ability. Parents sometimes pull their kids out of school for the wrong reasons, e.g. discipline issues. Such a motivation predicts a poor outcome if the child is home-schooled. Who is monitoring the parents to make sure they are fulfilling their duties? If these children are not getting the education they need, it is harmful to society.
The conclusion is in the second sentence: However, the truth of the matter is… Conclusion: Most parents are not capable of home schooling.
The issue is not explicitly stated. It can be inferred: Issue: Should all parents be allowed to home-school their children? Is this a descriptive or a prescriptive issue? It asks what ought to be done Prescriptive
What did you learn about identifying conclusions?