The purpose of this presentation is to introduce you to 6 simple machines and how they work. Simple machines are tools that make work easier. They have little or no moving parts. They use energy to work.
Wheels and Gears Pulleys Screw Wedge Incline Plane Levers
Gears/Axle A wheel and axle is a simple machine. The axle is a rod that goes through the wheel. This lets the wheel turn. It makes it easy to move things from place to place. What would you use a wheel and axle for?
Gears/Axle Cars Door Knobs Bicycles Examples Wagons Rollerskates Gears in watches
Pulleys A Pulley is a simple machine made up of a wheel and a rope. The rope fits on the grove of the wheel. One part of the rope is attached to the load. When you pull on one side of the pulley, the wheel turns and the load will move. How can pulleys help us?
Pulleys Examples Flag Poles Clothes Lines Blinds
Wedge A wedge is a simple machine used to push two objects apart. A wedge is made up of two inclined planes. These planes meet and form a sharp edge. This edge can split things apart. What could you use a wedge for?
Wedge Examples Knives Axes Forks
Incline Plane An incline plane has a flat surface that is higher on one side than the other. This machine can be used to move an object from a lower place to a higher one. You need less energy and force to move an object this way. What is an example of an incline plane?
Wedge Examples Ramp Slide Path up a hill
Screws A screw is actually an inclined plane that winds around itself. A screw has ridges and is not smooth like a nail. Screws can be used to lower and raise things or to hold objects together. How could you use something like this?
Screws Examples Light bulbs Jar lids Clamps
Levers A lever is a board or bar that rests on a turning point. This turning point is called a fulcrum. The object that the level moves is called the load. The closer the object is to the fulcrum, the easier it is to move. Give an example of a lever.
Levers Examples Hammer Bottle Openers Crow Bars