Praise Students Expect Excellence Spread Excitement Mix it up Assign Classroom Jobs Hand Over some Control Fill children's world with Reading Reward Positive Behavior Outside the classroom Dream Field Trips Track Improvement Relate Lessons to students lives Encourage them to express their opinion Celebrate Achievements!
Hands-on/project based? Challenging, but achievable? Prizes? Creativity? Clear expectations and instructions? Immediate feedback?
Direct Instruction only Give clear communication Present how you want work done Make classroom climate welcoming (include all students) Teach students to concentrate on the task Teach in different learning situations
Learning is incremental Failure is a result of lack of information or not using the appropriate problem solving techniques, not lack of ability Retrace steps to problem solve Teach students not to be distracted by failure
Students are different now (really?); we can not teach them the way we were taught. Visual aids and interactive instruction with attention to prior knowledge and relating lessons to real life are a must to motivate them.
Use your students as teachers—give them strict guidelines and have groups teach a lesson. Give students a choice Group work Charades to enhance the lesson Art
Know your students Change the scenery Allow students to work together Give students a sense of control Offer rewards Give students responsibility Give praise when learned Encourage self reflection
Stay excited Harness students interests Manage student anxiety Give feedback Track progress Make things FUN!! Provide opportunities for success.
Understand why motivating students is a challenge Stand out Volunteer information Jump out of the box Watch the sarcasm Brag a little, but not too much Pay Attention Bring out students opinions Make A difference Make your expectations clear Expose them to the stimulus they were blocking off before
Fine tune the challenge Start with the question, not the answer Encourage students to beat their personal best Connect abstract learning to concrete situations Make it social Go deep
students students motivate-students-to-learn/ motivate-students-to-learn/ simple-ideas-to-improve-student-motivatio/ simple-ideas-to-improve-student-motivatio/