21st Century Writing: Using Technology to Enhance Student Motivation and Proficiency in Writing Across the Curriculum Presented by, Jennifer L. Nigh 2013
21 st Century Learning Video -points-in-english-language-arts Common Core Key Points
O How do you currently incorporate technology into writing? O What are some of the challenges you face when teaching writing? O What are some challenges you face when attempting to incorporate technology?
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matic.com/u/h/start-recording Demo
O MOOC: K-12 Teaching in the 21 st Century O preparing-teachers-teach-writing-using- technology preparing-teachers-teach-writing-using- technology
O How might any of these tools increase the motivation to write with YOUR students? O How might any of these tools increase writing proficiency with YOUR students?
If you have any additional questions or comments, please feel free to contact me.