Leadership Academy Report of Priorities and Next Steps in Strategic Planning June 20, 2012
The Vision and Mission Our Vision: Henrico County Public Schools will be the PREMIER school division in the United States. Our Mission: Henrico County Schools, an innovative leader in educational excellence, will actively engage our students in diverse learning experiences that inspire and empower them to become contributing citizens.
Strategic Goals All students will graduate upon completion of a curriculum that exceeds state standards. All students will achieve at the highest possible level of the Henrico County Public School’s curriculum. All students will learn in an environment that effectively and efficiently supports the instructional program.
All students will develop life skills for individual success and well being. All students will graduate being prepared to be self- sustaining and competitive as they pursue their aspirations. All students will practice civic responsibility and good stewardship of community resources All students will become effective users of technology.
Alignment of Initiatives to Research-based Strategies Response to Intervention Strategic Plan Objectives 1.4; 1.6; 1.7 Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build RelationshipsMake Learning Relevant Teach Info Processing Coalition XX Mentoring StudentsXX Tier I Math XX Tier I Reading XX MAPSXXX 21 st Century Learning Strategic Plan Objectives 1.5; 4.4; 7.1; 7.2 Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build RelationshipsMake Learning Relevant Teach Info Processing Henrico21 XXX Reflective Friends XXX Digital Content XXX Integration of Technology XXX Increasing Enrollment in Higher Level Courses Strategic Plan Objectives 2.4 Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build RelationshipsMake Learning Relevant Teach Info Processing Laying the Foundation XXX Eighth Grade Algebra X X AP/SATXX Restructuring Exceptional Education Strategic Plan Objectives 1.6; 1.7; 2.1; 2.4; 4.4 Build/Foster Self-Efficacy Build RelationshipsMake Learning Relevant Teach Info Processing Feeder Pattern Alignment XX Focus on Inclusion XXX Resource Allocation Alignment XX
Community Priorities Workshop (CPW) The CPW for was held on May 3 rd at Hermitage High School: 150 participants representing nine stakeholder groups Discussions in role-alike and mixed groups
CPW Desired Outcomes The purpose of the CPW was to prioritize the 10 most frequently referenced barriers to closing the achievement gap identified through community forums. The priority barriers will inform the review and subsequent update of the School Division’s Strategic Plan during the summer of 2012.
Ten Most Frequently Referenced Barriers Lack of parent involvement Lack of rigorous instruction Lack of communication and relationships Low expectations for students Lack of student motivation and learned- helplessness
Ten Most Frequently Referenced Barriers Large class size in general and exceptional education Limited communication about opportunities available for students Issues of staffing quality Lack of cultural awareness Issues of discipline, truancy, and school safety
Top Barriers Identified 1. Student motivation issues and learned- helplessness 2. Lack of rigorous instruction including teaching only to the test, teaching to minimum standards, inconsistency across schools. 3. Lack of parent involvement
CPW Alignment Chart Response to Intervention -Strategic Plan Objectives 1.4; 1.6; 1.7 Student motivation/learned helplessness Lack of rigorous instruction/teaching to minimum standards/ inconsistency across schools Lack of parental Involvement CoalitionX X Mentoring Students X X Tier I Math X Tier I Reading X MAPSXX 21 st Century Learning- Strategic Plan Objectives 1.5; 4.4; 7.1; 7.2 Student motivation/learned helplessness Lack of rigorous instruction/teaching to minimum standards/inconsistenc y across schools Lack of Parental Involvement Henrico21XX Reflective FriendsXX Digital ContentXX Integration of Technology XX Increasing Enrollment in Higher Level Courses- Strategic Plan Objective 2.4 Student motivation/learned helplessness Lack of rigorous instruction/teaching to minimum standards/inconsistenc y across schools Lack of Parental Involvement Laying the Foundation X Eighth Grade Algebra X AP/SAT X Restructuring Ex Ed.- Strategic Plan Objectives 1.6; 1.7; 2.1; 2.4; 4.4 Student motivation/learned helplessness Lack of rigorous instruction/teaching to minimum standards/inconsistenc y across schools Lack of Parental Involvement Feeder Pattern Alignment XXX Focus on Inclusion X Resource Allocation Alignment X
Student Motivation and learned helplessness Lack of rigor in the instructional program Lack of parental involvement Build self efficacy X X Build relationships X X Make learning relevant X X Teach information processing X X
Next Steps: Strategic Planning The Division Leadership Team will explore the barriers to determine root causes. Each team member will assemble a cross- stakeholder team to build a vision, action plans and indicators to support the strategic plan goals and objectives AND address the priority barriers.
Next Steps: The Strategic Plan Each Division Leadership Team member will present the work of their team to the Strategic Plan Steering Committee. The Steering Committee will review all aspects of the Strategic Plan and make a recommendation to the School Board for updates to the plan.
What should schools do? Review the initiatives and look to implement them with fidelity. Evaluate your CSIP and begin working on your plan. Look at your data in relation to the strategic plan supporting indicators and CPW priorities and identify areas for school improvement. Work with your perception survey data to design a Community Priorities Workshop for your school.