Warm-up What is the size of your household ( number of people)? How many TV’s does your family own? How many cars does your family have? What is the level of education of your parents?
World Population Early 1800s= 1 Billion 1999= 6 Billion 2050 est.= 9 Billion
How do we analyze population?
Birthrate The number of live births per thousand population.
Fertility Rate Average number of children a women of childbearing years would have
Infant Mortality Rate The number of deaths among infants under age one per thousand live births.
Life Expectancy The average age of death, usually shown in Male/Female.
Literacy Rate Percent of people that can read or write.
Per Capita GDP The average income of a person in a country.
Population Density The average number of people who live in a measurable area.
Developed Transitional Underdeveloped
What type of Country is this? Birthrate – 54 per 1000 Literacy Rate – 26/10 Life Exp – 45/46 Per Capita GDP – $800
Underdeveloped The country of Niger
What about this country Infant Mortality - 4 of 1000 Literacy Rate – 99/99 Life Exp – 78/85 Per Cap GDP – $28,000
Developed The country of Japan
What about this country? Literacy Rate – 86/87 Life Exp – 67/75 Per Cap GDP – $7,600 Fertility Rate – 3.5 per female
Transitional Brazil