LATIN AMERICAN CHILDREN´S VOICES Reccomendations for States, Schools, Families and Commitments as Digital Citizens
The States should ensure a universal and free access to the Internet, even in the most disadvantaged social contexts, providing protecting and informative measures for children and adolescents on the existing risks. This should include media campaigns on the safe and responsible use of the Internet and other digital media. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the States
The States should promote the participation of children and adolescents in order to share their experiences on the use of the Internet and other digital media, as well as their associated risks. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the States
The States should support young leaders; messages for children should be issued by their peers; campaigns implemented by the State should use the voice of children. They should take opinions and experiences to many youths in the country or the region, granting that this way the message would be more effective. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the States
That the States carry out projects within the institutions on the use of the Internet, its risks, benefits, in an interesting and not boring way for children, adolescents, and their parents. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the Schools
Schools should teach us how to look for strictly necessary information, preventing us from being exposed to the risks we consider unnecessary. Certain unsuitable information for our age and our comprehension abilities should be filtered. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the Schools
Schools should carry out mandatory conferences on the safe use of the Internet with parents and students at the same time. Manifiesto Regional Recommendations to the Schools
Teachers should be trained to deliver assistance in the solution to problems that children and adolescents are likely to encounter in the social networks. Likewise, appropriate mechanisms should be implemented for the prevention of conflicts and the timely intervention of the institution. Manifiesto Regional Recommendations to the Schools
Businesses should give priority to the rights of children and adolescents before their own interests, such as the invasion of their rights due to some lucrative end. Manifiesto Regional Recommendations to the Schools
Businesses should advertise in traditional and alternative media on the safe, responsible and productive use of the ICTs, and this advertising should adjust to the different audiences. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the private sector
Businesses should develop mechanisms to make children’s and adolescents’ browses more effective when using the Internet with educational and informative purposes.. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the private sector
Businesses should facilitate information on their activities through free access and in a child- friendly language for the message to be understood. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the private sector
Authorities in the companies should be responsible for the implementation of a mechanism that makes the reading of the terms and conditions mandatory, as well as the privacy configuration and acceptance in a simple and concrete manner. In order to do this they should present this information in an easy and accessible format for children and adolescents, and also include an audio format so that everyone will be aware of the necessary requirements. Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the private sector
Latin American children´s voices Recommendations to the family Families should know and disseminate the responsible, safe and productive use of the ICTs.
Manifiesto Regional Recommendations to the family Parents should provide quality time to talk to their children regarding the risks associated to the use of the Internet and other digital media, strengthening communication and showing openness to reach consensus. As part of this dialogue, parents should also reach an agreement with their children in order to establish the time limits regarding the use of the Internet at home.
That technologies be used for productive purposes; to have an open mind to learn and not to produce nor share materials encourage hate and violence (for example, violent scenes, ill treatment to others and to oneself, including animals). Manifiesto Regional Commitments we make as digital citizens
To create channels of communication with the parents on the risks, so they may teach us not to judge or criticize ourselves. Manifiesto Regional Commitments we make as digital citizens
Turning the responsible use of the Internet into a trend Manifiesto Regional Commitments we make as digital citizens