Project Overview. General project information  Road4FAME = Development of a Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap for Future Architectures and Services.


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Presentation transcript:

Project Overview

General project information  Road4FAME = Development of a Strategic Research and Innovation Roadmap for Future Architectures and Services for Manufacturing in Europe and Derivation of Business Opportunities  Coordination Action, co-financed under the Factories of the Future PPP, ICT – Challenge 7: ICT for the Enterprise and Manufacturing  Project duration: June Oct 2015, 29 months  Total budget: EUR  Total EC contribution: EUR  GA No  Project consortium:  Core Group:

Main Objectives of Road4FAME a)Develop a holistic roadmap which will enable the identification of future R&I strategies for Europe regarding architectures and services that facilitate agile and flexible manufacturing processes, ease interoperability in distributed manufacturing environments, make use of the benefits of context-aware enterprises, and provide the grounds for sustainable manufacturing. b)Identify and prioritise the European manufacturing industry needs, and translate them into requirements for architectures and services. c)Evaluate novel paradigms and concepts for their applicability to architectures and services in the manufacturing industry, with regards to the determined specific requirements of industrial manufacturing. 3

Context of Road4FAME 4 EFFRA Roadmap Development H2020-FoF-ICT H2020-ICT ActionPlanT H2020-FoF-NMP ICT for manufacturingIT architectures and services for manufacturing ICT and NMP technologies for manufacturing

Approach of Road4FAME Socio- economic Analysis Push Perspective Screening for novel concepts Identification of R&D Challenges Validation step Identification of Enablers Pull Perspective Identification of Needs and Requirements Translation into ICT / architecture requirements Roadmapping Workshops Roadmap for IT Architectures and Services in Manufacturing R&I Strategy Documents Business Models Roadmapping Workshops Validation step Core Roadmapping Process 5

External Expertise in Road4FAME 6 Selected experts and representatives for  Strategic advice  Link to expertise  Validation of project results  Multiplicators for project results Experts and representatives from industry, national and international activities  Participation in expert interviews, expert panels, and roadmapping workshops.

Output Side of Road4FAME The main products of Road4FAME:  Research and Innovation Roadmap for Future Architecture and Services in the Manufacturing Domain  Recommendations for Future Research Priorities tailored to the EC and academia as target audiences  Recommendations for Future Innovation Strategies tailored to European manufacturing businesses, especially SMEs, as target audience.  Catalogue of Business Services and Business Opportunities enabled by future architectures and services, tailored to manufacturing businesses in industry and service sector. 7

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