Class Size Calculated by-school in , but scheduled to move to by-classroom in Calculated as of Friday, Date Certain, by period, during Survey 2 for only core courses. Each course, when created in Genesis (SIS), contains a code to indicate the scheduling method employed.
Class Size Both Co-teaching (scheduling method C) and Inclusion models (scheduling method I) lower class size, although Inclusion does not help as much as Co-Teaching. Pullout classes (scheduling method G) also helps lower class size, especially if the student is being pulled out to a core course. The penalty is that the state moves operating dollars to capital outlay dollars (out of the classroom).
Exceptional Student Education (ESE) All courses taken by an ESE student are classified as ESE for FTE funding purposes. The only exceptions are 1) a hospital homebound student who receives basic funding for the time they spend in a public school, and 2) all dual enrollment courses are funded at FEFP code 103.
Individual Education Plan (IEP) * Must be completed for all students eligible for special educational services. * The IEP is a services document. The Matrix is essentially a funding document. * The IEP document determines the level of services indicated on the Matrix. * Must be updated at least once a year (federal requirement). Exceptional Student Education (ESE).
Matrix of Services * Must be consistent with the special educational needs identified by the students IEP. * Must be signed and dated after (or the same day) the IEP is signed, but before FTE week. * Only needed for students in FEFP programs 254 and 255. * Must be updated at least once every three years. * Only services provided and funded by the district should be indicated on the matrix. * When completing a Matrix, all Domains must be completed, and items checked as appropriate. Exceptional Student Education (ESE).
Consultations These conferences between the ESE and basic teacher will not be indicated in the students class schedule. The DOE Course Code Directory does not contain course codes for consultation. It is important that documentation be kept of meetings between the basic and ESE teacher. Dismissals Students that no longer need specific services are dismissed. The IEP team meets and agrees the student no longer needs these services. Exceptional Student Education (ESE).
DID YOU KNOW? If you have an ESE student dismissed during FTE week, you still get to claim their ESE funding for that survey, assuming they are enrolled and met the attendance criteria.
Note: A schools bell schedule contains beginning and ending times for all periods. These appropriate minutes must be reflected in the student schedules.
DOE FTE General Instructions Pullout classes must be properly identified and reported with the appropriate period number. Also, the Class Minutes, Weekly must be adjusted for both the class from which the student was pulled and the class being reported as a pullout class. Pullout Classes
ESOL/ELL English Languages Learners ESOL/ELL Center Schools Elementary – Pineview Middle – Fairview High School – Godby Parents of ESOL/ELL students may have their children sent to an ESOL/ELL Center school to receive ESOL/ELL specific instruction. Regardless of where the ESOL/ELL student attends school, the student receives ESOL/ELL weighted funding for just the core courses.
* Some computer literacy courses * English/Language Arts * Social Studies * Science * Math ESOL/ELL-weighted FTE can be claimed only for the following core areas: ESOL/ELL
ESOL Fundable Courses
ESOL/ELL-weighted FTE can only be claimed if the teacher has completed training or is in their required training timeline. Re-evaluations must be completed at least once every three years to qualify for weighted funding. ESOL/ELL
ESOL/ELL-weighted FTE can only be claimed for six years for a student. An ESOL/ELL student in the seventh year receives ESOL/ELL services as needed but the district is only funded at the basic level. Therefore, schools must code these seventh year ESOL/ELL students in the appropriate basic program. ESOL/ELL
ESOL funding should be requested for the amount of time students are being taught the curriculum of the ESOL Courses as identified by DOE. Basic funding should be requested for time spend in Special Area. These total weekly minutes spent in ESOL funded courses should match the LEP Plan.