2012 Spring Testing Revised April 23, 2012
Administration Code New material for BACs and Principals Sign off sheets for BACs and Principals At the school level for everyone involved in testing… – Provide a copy for reading – Provide training – Complete sign off sheets and submit to CO
Appropriate Practices Form For everyone involved in testing Submit to CO
Non-Disclosure Form Classified Non-employees Submit to CO
DAC/BAC Certification ? Submit to CO
Seating Chart for All Test Sessions Submit to CO
Alert Papers
K-PREP-Building a Testing Schedule 2012 K-PREP Number of Items and Testing Times Five consecutive days Four makeup days Submit to CO
“IQ” test for TAG id in grades 3 and 6 during testing window? If so, materials and directions at April District Leadership Team meeting.
Who tests? All enrolled on first day of testing window Retained students Not skipped grades
K-PREP Materials Arrival Arrives April 2 nd in the district May not be distributed to Test Administrators until the first day of the window Physically larger *Pearson has notified the department that the shrink-wrapped packages of student response booklets will arrive sorted by school, grade level and in reverse alphabetical order (Z-A) by the student’s last name. When inventorying materials, the DAC or BAC may flip the student response booklets to have them in ascending order (A-Z). This issue has been corrected for any future shipments.
K-PREP Materials Processing Separate test and answer booklets Pre-printed answer booklets instead of labels By grade and then alphabetical order May split units between classes May not rearrange order Ten forms in grades 3-8, one form in grades 10 & 11 School Test Materials Security Checklist
K-PREP-Additional Materials School overage…5% District overage…3% Ordering – One grade per school per day – Next day arrival if before 1:30 p.m. Do not trade between schools District Overage Test Materials Security Checklist
K-PREP Pre-Printing Correct Use Incorrect Void, bubble, Serial # in SDRR None Bubble, Serial # in SDRR
K-PREP Answer Booklet Bubbling for All Accommodations Form Number Room Number
K-PREP-Voiding an Answer Booklet Write VOID across the front with a black marker Why? – Incorrect label – Damage* – Student responds in wrong section* – Bodily fluids* *Transcribe into new booklet (use same form if a test booklet is also involved)
K-PREP-Bodily Fluids, continued Contact Pearson with student’s name, school, grade, and form number Destroy according to OSHA requirements
K-PREP Approved Testing Materials Approved Testing Materials Calculators
K-PREP Manuals DAC/BAC TAMs (Coming Soon)
K-PREP-Common Administration Issues Student works ahead…#5 on pg. 83 of DAC/BAC Manual Student completes answer in wrong section of answer booklet…#6 on pg. 83 of DAC/BAC Manual Student gets sick and/or checks out during testing…Note the testing time elapsed, where they were in the test, and call the DAC.
Return Shipping The following items that should not be returned to Pearson: – Unused SRBs (must be securely destroyed) – Used Scratch paper-- lined or graph (must be securely destroyed) – DAC/BAC Manual for K-PREP – School Test Materials Security Checklist (keep a copy on file at the school and send the original to the DAC to keep on file for 12 months) – Test Administrator’s Manuals/Scripts – Unused School ID Header Sheets – Extra Paper Bands – Reference Sheets
Packing Scorable Materials Step 1Place all used student response booklets in stacks by grade. Step 2 Place a School ID Header on top of each stack of tests and band together with a paper band. Step 3 Place bundled student response booklets and voided materials in boxes and label the boxes with red scorable labels. Multiple grades can be placed in one box, as illustrated below. Step 4 Return all completed used student response booklets to the DAC immediately after the testing window. The UPS pick-up dates will be determined on the district’s testing window. No Special Handling Envelope. DAC will take care of Red and Blue Labels
Packing Nonscorable Materials
Packing DAC Overage Note: You should not have any used district materials in this box. Any used district overage test materials must be returned by the school that used them in the school return shipment and accounted for on the school test materials packing list. Place all unused test booklets in the box Once all boxes are returned to the district mark boxes accordingly
UPS Scorable Return Label Things to note on Scorable Labels: Address: Scorable materials have an Iowa City address. Shipping Method: Scorable materials ship Next Day Air. Scorable labels have the word “Scorable” in the name. Red
UPS Nonscorable Return Label Things to note on Nonscorable Labels: Address: Nonscorable materials have a Cedar Rapids address. Shipping Method: Nonscorable materials ship Ground. Nonscorable labels have the word “Nonscorable” in the name. Blue
Labeling Boxes SCHOOL Box x of y DISTRICT Box x of y
K-PREP Materials Pickup & Shipping Deadlines ElementaryMiddleHigh Scorable School PickupMay 16 th May 11 th Scorable District ShippingMay 18 th May 14 th Nonscorable School PickupMay 16 th May 11 th Nonscorable District ShippingMay 21 st May 16 th Red…No flexibility Blue…Very little flexibility (No more than 1 day) Green…Some flexibility
K-PREP-Results… Sample Score Report On Pearson Access? No Student Data Tool
Sample Score Report- Grade 4
K-PREP Rosters SDRR ( s) Coming soon Who tested Demographics Annotations
K-PREP and EOC Accountability SDRR 100 days of enrollment as of 1 st day of your K- PREP window [Non- voided books returned for all except AA] All types of exemptions (medical, extraordinary, AA, foreign exchange, EL) [Non- voided books returned for all except AA] Annotations Grades 3-12 (including all demographics)
EOC Rosters Quality Core Who tested Demographics Details later today
Notify DAC of any students who enroll or dis-enroll during your testing window
Exemptions Medical Extraordinary Circumstances (formerly “other”)
Medical Exemption Examples seriously injured in an accident just prior to or during the testing window; confined to home or hospital with an acute situation, not a long-term home/hospital instruction situation; unable to interact with people without serious risk of infection or contamination to others; or pregnant with complications that endanger health of mother or child or has delivered just prior to or during the testing window. Cannot be a handicapping condition
Extraordinary Circumstance Exemption Examples Student in protective custody Parental kidnapping Contact the Division of Support and Research for guidance before completing an Extraordinary Circumstance Exemption.
Exemption Steps Complete paper form and file at the CO Request in SDRR and monitor for approval Mark in SDRR
Medical Emergency
Medical Emergency Examples Student broke his/her writing arm – Scribe Student broke his/her eyeglasses – Scribe & Reader (Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, or On-demand Writing) – Scribe & Large Print or Projector (Reading) Student with leg in traction – Different setting or schedule if not heavily medicated
Medical Emergency Steps Complete paper form and file at the CO Annotate in SDRR
Homebound Managed at the CO School materials must be used
K-PREP-First Year EL Handout EL Staff will provide a list (also PSP accommodations) BACs will apply the “1 year only rule”. Franklin can help if needed.
Stoner Creek Managed at the CO Medical Exemptions for those who land in SDRR Assistance to districts who have students at SC who are in their SDRR
Accommodations K-PREP materials have been ordered EOC materials will be ordered soon…done.
Subs to Assist with Accommodations Use sparingly Let me know how many Arrange with Dawn Write “Testing” on the timesheet
Non-Standard Response (NSR) Find the template on the BoCo website under BAC Resources Printed word-processed answer must fit in the answer box. Trim around and tape response into appropriate spot in student response booklet. Tape at least the four corners of the response using clear desk tape. Do not cover other answers, bar codes or timing tracks with tape.
This is where the typed test will go. It will be trimmed around so that it fits completely inside the black box allowed for each test question. The template allows only enough space to complete the question while remaining inside the allowable space. The template can be downloaded from the KDE webpage. Tape must be on the corners of the text being inserted but not covering multiple choice answers, barcodes or timing tracks. Place clear desk tape at least on the four corners of the printed response so the pages are securely in place and will not move around when the booklet is moved, opened, closed, packaged or during shipping. This will ensure proper scoring will occur.
Shella Sams Director of Special Education Bourbon County Schools
Franklin’s Cell Phone: (He will have the phone with him at all times.)
Window 4 Credit Recovery Send possible names before March 26 th for labels Update the list through May 3rd, but there will be no labels
EOC-Building a Testing Schedule
“Arena” testing is fine. However, for EOC Exams, all students must face the same direction and a clock must be visible.
EOC Materials Prohibited Scratch paper Notes Foreign language or English dictionary Allowed Scratch work is to be done in the test booklet Calculators—See handout Reference Sheets (Algebra II)
EOC-Materials Arrival in the District Arrives in district ~April 9 th Materials discrepancies… Supplemental
EOC-Manuals Test Supervisor Room Supervisor Accommodations
EOC-Labels Correct…use Incorrect…Do not use, bubble (A-D), contact Franklin to make edits in Quality Core and SDRR None…Bubble (A-D) [There’s no C on CR]
EOC-1 st Year EL Exempt, but must take Algebra II and Biology EL Staff will provide a list (also PSP accommodations) BACs will apply the “1 year only rule”. Franklin can help if needed.
EOC-All Exemptions Do not return a book Remove from the Quality Core Roster DO…complete applicable forms and file in SDRR
EOC-Test Booklet Tracking Log
EOC-Packing…School Group Headers – 1 for MC1/MC2 – 1 for CR School Header
EOC-Pickup…May 3 rd ?
EOC-Packing…District (Page 15 of Test Supervisor Manual)
EOC-Teacher Access to Scores Unless they (EOC Teachers & Administrators) created their own accounts… – User Name= – Password=Last Name followed by First Initial e.g. ThomasF I can lookup forgotten passwords Demo using Aaron Dahlstrom (will have to Accept a User Agreement)…
EOC-Constructed Response Scores…August
Class Rosters in Quality Core Upload students Create roster names and student lists Pull out extended time Also, credit recovery Facilitate Hillary McIntosh creating rosters Finalize rosters…by March 26 th On opening day of K-PREP window and test dates, tweak based upon enrollment changes.