Working Group A Amy BoltonNaval Air Warfare Center Bob FlemingSPAWAR David NobleEBR, Inc. Dick WilsonEBR, Inc. Dennis WisnoskyWizdom Systems, Inc. Gwendolyn CampbellNaval Air Warfare Center JoAnn BrooksMITRE John BuchheisterOASD(C3I) Karen CarrBAE Systems Karlene RobertsBerkeley Kristina ThompsonEBR, Inc Larry WienerOPNAV N6 Stevana AllmanEBR. Inc
Basic Research - Define “what you look for” in sensemaking - Ethnographic Studies: - to understand the process of sensemaking in operational context - to serve as a baseline for comparing different cognitive models - Identify typology of sensemaking situations: the context dimensions that impact sensemaking (e.g. time horizons and familiarity of the domain) - cognitive task analysis - Investigate the relationship between individual and group sensemaking - Understanding sensemaking mechanisms (including intuitive vs. analytical sense-making) and how they relate to the sensemaking contexts as defined within our typology - Develop functional models - identifying the relative contributions of all these things (individual differences, personalities, emotions, and generalizable cognitive skills vs. domain specific knowledge and processes)
- Identify ways to help people handle unfamiliar situations - identify ways to help people know they are in unfamiliar situations - Identify methods to notice and handle cues of low diagnosticity (pattern recognition) - Understand sensemaking at individual, group, organizational, and system levels - Develop and use forcing scenarios as a method for analyzing the issues - Develop a sensemaking (conceptual) framework - fragility - educable - multiple views - Develop metrics for diagnosis and evaluation of sensemaking performance - Understand relationship among awareness, sensemaking and information - Reconcile the differences among overlapping concepts, i.e., situational awareness, assessment, understanding, comprehension, mental maps, and sensemaking Basic Research (cont.)
Applied Research - Identify types of information technology that may support sensemaking - real time “what if” modeling techniques - decision support that classifies data in terms of the extent to which it supports the current hypothesis - Identify types of training that may support sensemaking - Identify types of organizational structures and processes that may support sensemaking - Support the identification of data needed to confirm/disconfirm current hypothesis - identify ways to obtain the data - Investigate the application of sensemaking to: - psyops - deception - disinformation - propaganda -countermeasures
- Conduct research on people who must make decisions rapidly in a stressful environment - hospital emergency room personnel - FEMA - wildland firefighters (hotshots) - SAR - option traders operator - Identify the cultural changes and infrastructures necessary to allow our acquisition and procurement processes to incorporate the results of the research to improve future sensemaking systems - Investigate systems engineering issues for implementing the socio- technical aspects of sensemaking Applied Research (cont.)
Transition e.g. McNeil / Lehrer Ken Boff John Seelye Brown - social life of information community of practice Paol Duguid - “ Dennis Wisnosky Dennis Leedom Admiral Poindexter (Genoa) Wayne Zachary UK MOD
Practitioner Panel Congress Big oil company rep. Swift CEO - Leonard Schranck Intelligence agencies CDC Law Enforcement / detective(s) Admiral Cebrowski Admiral Mercer FEMA UN / UNICEF / WFP / UNHCR NATO Department of State
Practitioner Panel (cont.) USJFCOM / J9 - Captain Sherin C3F / J9 - Capt. Stuart Kendrick MITRE - Cathy Sowell CNO - Task Force Excel Marine Gen. Krulak Marketing Captain Tempestilli - US Naval Academy UK MOD
Organizational Linkages ONR - Bill Vaughan NSF - Suzi Lacono DARPA - Dylan Schmorrow AFRL - Ken Boff J9 - Capt. Sherin / Russ Richards SPAWAR - Jay Martin NAWCTSD - Jan Cannon-Bowers Advanced Research and Development - Greg Smith Intelligence Technology Innovation Center - John Phillips ARL - Laurel Allender NATO C3 Agency - Mitsubishi Co. S.W.I.F.T. Consortium