Video Timeline By: Braiden Brown
How It All Started In 1860 the phonautograph was created by Edouard- Leon Scott de Martinville. Martinville’s intentions for the phonautograph was to create a paper record of human speech that wasn’t intended to be audible.
Now In ColorNow In Color In 1902 Edward Raymond Turner conducted a test film shot which became the first color film.
“Talking Movie” In 1913 demonstrated by Thomas Edison using his Kinetophone process, a cylinder player mechanically synchronized to film a projector.
The VTR VTR stands for Videotape Recorder (VTR) In 1951 Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in developing the first videotape recorder. The VTR captures live images from T.V. cameras and converting the information into electrical impulses and saving the information onto a magnetic tape.
The Still Video/Digital Camera In 1981 Sony Mavica introduced the still video/digital camera through T.V. commercial.
CD Player In 1982 Sony releases the first CD player.
The MP3 Player In 1996 U.S. patent issued for MP3.
The DVD Player In 1996 DVD players started selling in Japan.
Apple’s iPod In 2001 Apple introduces it’s iPod MP3 Player series.
HDMI Format In 2002 High Definition Multimedia Interface (HDMI) is introduced.
HDTV Samsung Electronics develops 57” LCD panel for full HDTV.
Skype On August 1, 2003 Skype is available.
Facebook On February 4, 2004 Facebook hits the internet.
YouTube On February 1, 2005 YouTube is online.
Blu-ray January 20, 2006 Blu-ray is introduced.
Flip Cam May 1, 2006 the Flip Cam is introduced.
Apple’s iPhone In 2007 Apple announces the iPhone.
Apple’s iPad In 2010 Apple announces iPad.
Google Glass On April 25, 2013 Google releases Google Glass.
Works Cited rt- rt- video-technology-infographic/ video-technology-infographic/ y-timeline--118http:// y-timeline--118