1 Pulley System GUI Familiarity Level Required: Lower Estimated Time Required: 40 minutes MSC.ADAMS 2005 r2
2 Topics Covered In this tutorial you will learn how to: If you have any difficulties, import the “Pulley_System_shortcut_1.cmd” file and proceed from pg 13 If you have any difficulties, import the “Pulley_System_shortcut_2.cmd” file and proceed from pg 16 If you have any difficulties, import the “Pulley_System_shortcut_3.cmd” file and proceed from pg 19 If you have any difficulties, import the “Pulley_System_complete.cmd” file and proceed from pg 24 1.Create a cylinder 2.Create a box 3.Create a sphere 4.Add a fixed joint 5.Add a translational joint 6.Add a inplane primitive joint 7.Add a translational motion
3 Pulley System Problem Create a pulley system
4 What You Should Accomplish When you complete this tutorial you will have a fully functional pulley system
5 Getting Started Getting Started: a.Under the heading "How would you like to proceed", select the Create a new model radio button. b.Choose a Location to save your files c.Set Model Name as Pulley_System d.Verify the Gravity text field is set to Earth Normal (-Global Y). e.Verify that the Units text field is set to MKS - m,kg,N,s,deg. f.Select OK. f b c d e a
6 Create Pulley a.Click View menu, select Coordinate Window b.Select Cylinder from Rigid Body tool stack c.Turn on Length checkbox, enter (0.1m) in the text field d.Turn on Radius checkbox, enter (0.5m) in the text field e.Click (-0.5, 0.5, 0.0) f.Click (-0.4, 0.5, 0.0) a b c d e f
7 Rename Part a.Right click on the cylinder, select Part:PART_2 Rename b.Enter.Pulley_System.Pulley_1 in New Name text field c.Click OK a b c
8 Modify Pulley a.Right click on the cylinder, select Marker:MARKER_1 Modify b.Enter -0.5, 0.5, 5.0E-002 in Location text field c.Enter 180.0, 180.0, 0.0 in Orientation text field d.Click OK a b c d
9 Add Fixed Joint a.Select Fixed joint from Joint tool stack b.Select 1 Location from Construction pull down menu c.Click Pulley_1.MARKER_1 a b c
10 Create Second Pulley a.Create a second cylinder (Length = 0.1m, Radius = 0.5m) from point (0.5, -1.5, 0) to (0.6, -1.5, 0) b.Rename.Pulley_System.Pulley_2 c.Modify MARKER_2 (Location = 0.5, -1.5, 5.0E-002, Orientation = 180.0, 180.0, 0.0)
11 Create Rope a.Click Cylinder tool b.Turn on Length checkbox, enter (2.1meter) in text field c.Turn on Radius checkbox, enter (2.5E-003m) in text field d.Click (0, 0.5, 0) e.Click in the negative Y-direction f.Rename.Pulley_System.Rope_2 e d c b a
12 Add Translational Joint a.Select Translational joint from Joint tool stack b.Click Pulley_2 Rope_2 (0, -1.5, 0) (0, -1.7, 0) c.Click Pulley_1 Rope_2 (0, 0.5, 0) (0, 0.1, 0) a b c
13 Create Box a.Select Box from Rigid Body tool stack b.Turn on Length checkbox, enter (1m) in text field c.Turn on Height checkbox, enter (1m) in text field d.Turn on Depth checkbox, enter (1m) in text field e.Click (0, -3.2, 0) e b a c d
14 Modify Box a.Right-click on the box, select Marker:MARKER_10 Modify b.Enter 0.0, -3.2, -0.5 in the Location text field c.Click OK d.Rename.Pulley_System.Box a b c
15 Connect Box to Pulley a.Click Cylinder tool b.Select Add to Part from Cylinder pull down menu c.Turn on Length checkbox, enter (1.2m) in text field d.Turn on Radius checkbox, enter (0.5m) in text field e.Click Box Box.cm Pulley_2.MARKER_4 f.Select Fixed joint from joint stack g.Select 1 Location from Construction pull down menu h.Click Pulley_2.MARKER_4 a b c d e f g h
16 Create Rope a.Click Cylinder tool b.Turn on Length checkbox, enter (3.7m) in text field c.Turn on Radius checkbox, enter (2.5E-003m) in text field d.Click (1, -1.5, 0) e.Click in the positive Y-direction f.Rename.Pulley_System.Rope_1 a b c d e
17 Add Inplane Primitive Joint a.Select Pallete from Joint tool stack b.Click inplane primitive joint c.Select 1 Location – Bodies impl. from Construction pull down menu d.Click (1.0, 2.2, 0.0) a b c d
18 Modify Inplane Primitive Joint a.Right click inplane primitive joint, select Primitive_Joint: JPRIM_1 Modify b.Click change position button c.Enter: d.Click OK e.Click OK a c d b e C1 = 1.0C2 = 2.2C3 = 0.0 A1 = 180A2 = 90A3 = 180
19 Create Rope a.Click Cylinder tool b.Turn on Length checkbox, enter (3.7m) in text field c.Turn on Radius checkbox, enter (2.5E-003m) in text field d.Click (1, 0.5, 0) e.Click in the negative Y-direction f.Rename.Pulley_System.Rope_3 e d a b c
20 Create Ball a.Select Sphere from rigid Body tool stack b.Turn on Radius checkbox, enter (5cm) in text field c.Click Rope_3.CYLINDER_7.E1 d.Rename.Pulley_System.Ball a b c
21 Add Translational Joint and Inplane Primitive Joint a.Add a Translational joint between Ball and ground at point Rope_3.MARKER_36 in negative Y-direction b.Create a inplane primitive joint between Ball and Rope_3 at point Rope_3.MARKER_36 c.Modify inplane primitive joint position: C1 = -1.0C2 = -3.4C3 = 0.0 A1 = 0.0A2 = 90.0A3 = 0.0 a b c
22 Add Translational Motion a.Select Translation joint motion from Motion Driver tool stack b.Enter 0.1 in Speed text field c.Click JOINT_7 a b c
23 Create Coupler Joint a.Select Coupler joint from Joint tool stack b.Click JOINT_6 c.Click JOINT_3 d.Select Coupler joint e.Click JOINT_2 f.Click JOINT_5 a b e c f
24 Verify Your Model Run simulation (Duration = 20, Step Size = 0.1) Verify your model, should have 0 degrees of freedom and no redundant constraints
25Model This is what your screen should look like when your model is complete
26 Topics Covered In this tutorial you will learn how to: 1.Create a cylinder 2.Create a box 3.Create a sphere 4.Add a fixed joint 5.Add a translational joint 6.Add a inplane primitive joint 7.Add a translational motion
27 Best Practices Check part locations Check orientation of the parts to make sure they are correct. Make sure the translational joints are in the right direction Make sure translational joint motion is correct Make sure inplane primitive joints are correctly positioned Check locations of spline points to make sure they are correct. Verify your model.