1 Mathematics and Science Model Lesson Series Elementary Science Module Developed by the Florida Department of Education
2 Mathematics and Science Model Lesson Series Goals Provide models of standards-based teaching and learning in mathematics and science Provide examples of applications of the RtI framework to mathematics and science lessons
3 What is RtI? RtI is the practice of (1) providing high-quality instruction/intervention matched to student needs and (2) using learning rate over time and level of performance to (3) make important educational decisions to guide instruction National Association of State Directors of Special Education, 2005
4 Tiered Model of School Supports & the Problem-Solving Process ACADEMIC and BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Interventions & Supports The most intense (increased time, narrowed focus, reduced group size) instruction and intervention based upon individual student need provided in addition to and aligned with Tier 1 & 2 academic and behavior instruction and supports. Tier 2: Targeted, Supplemental Interventions & Supports More targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental support in addition to and aligned with the core academic and behavior curriculum. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports General academic and behavior instruction and support provided to all students in all settings.
5 Tiered Model of School Supports & the Problem-Solving Process ACADEMIC and BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized, Interventions. Individual or small group intervention. Tier 2: Targeted, Strategic Interventions & Supports. More targeted interventions and supplemental support in addition to the core curriculum and school-wide positive behavior program. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports. General instruction and support provided to all students in all settings. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports General academic and behavior instruction and support provided to all students in all settings
6 Tiered Model of School Supports & the Problem-Solving Process ACADEMIC and BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized, Interventions. Individual or small group intervention. Tier 2: Targeted, Strategic Interventions & Supports. More targeted interventions and supplemental support in addition to the core curriculum and school-wide positive behavior program. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports. General instruction and support provided to all students in all settings. Tier 2: Targeted, Supplemental Interventions & Supports More targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental support in addition to and aligned with the core academic and behavior curriculum
7 Tiered Model of School Supports & the Problem-Solving Process ACADEMIC and BEHAVIOR SYSTEMS Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized, Interventions. Individual or small group intervention. Tier 2: Targeted, Strategic Interventions & Supports. More targeted interventions and supplemental support in addition to the core curriculum and school-wide positive behavior program. Tier 1: Core, Universal Instruction & Supports. General instruction and support provided to all students in all settings. Tier 3: Intensive, Individualized Interventions The most intense (increased time, narrowed focus, reduced group size) instruction and intervention based upon individual student need provided in addition to and aligned with Tier 1 & 2 academic and behavior instruction and supports
8 Step 1 – Problem Identification: What is the problem? To identify a problem, we start with three pieces of data Expected level of performance Expected level of performance Student(s) level of performance Student(s) level of performance Peer level of performance Peer level of performance
9 Step 2 – Problem Analysis: Why is it occurring? Hypothesize about why the student is not demonstrating adequate progress academically Hypothesize about why the student is not demonstrating adequate progress academically Collect assessment data to validate the hypotheses Collect assessment data to validate the hypotheses
10 Step 3 – Intervention Design: What are we going to do? Match intervention type and intensity to student(s), setting, problem Interventions must focus on teaching replacement behavior or skill Select evidence-based interventions that match context of school/classroom culture Provide support for implementation Training/Coaching, as needed Evaluation of implementation integrity
11 Step 4 – Evaluate Effectiveness: Is the intervention working? Is the intervention evidence-based? How effective is this intervention with students from similar backgrounds? How intense is the intervention? - the dosage (time & focus of intervention) Was the intervention implemented as planned?
12 Floridas Vision for Science Education Science literacy is essential for all students Next Generation Sunshine State Standards for Science allow for a greater depth of study and understanding of a smaller number of learning targets Integration of science content and science process
13 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Science Standards Four Bodies of Knowledge Earth/Space Science Life Science Physical Science Nature of Science Eighteen Big Ideas Floridas Next Generation Sunshine State Standards (
14 Next Generation Sunshine State Standards Benchmark Code SC4P111 Content AreaGrade LevelBody of Knowledge Big IdeaBenchmark
15 Grade 4 Science Benchmark SC.4.P.11.1 SC4P111 Content Area: Science Grade Level: 4 Body of Knowledge: Physical Science Big Idea: 11 – Energy Transfer and Transformations Benchmark: 1 - Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause materials to change temperature.
16 Grade 4 Science Benchmark SC.4.P.11.1 Body of Knowledge: Physical Science Big Idea 11: Energy Transfer and Transformations A. Waves involve a transfer of energy without a transfer of matter. B. Water and sound waves transfer energy through a material. C. Light waves can travel through a vacuum and through matter. Benchmark SC.4.P.11.1 Recognize that heat flows from a hot object to a cold object and that heat flow may cause materials to change temperature. Floridas Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
17 Grade 4 Science Benchmarks SC.4.N.1.1 – SC.4.N.1.8 Body of Knowledge: Nature of Science Big Idea 1: The Practice of Science Observing Identifying questions and hypotheses Designing and conducting investigations Collecting and evaluating data Drawing conclusions based on evidence and communicating explanations The Nature of Science benchmarks from Big Idea #1 are integrated throughout the science lesson Floridas Next Generation Sunshine State Standards
18 Science Bodies of Knowledge Nature of Science Physical Science Life Science Earth/Space Science
19 Data Driven Decision Making Floridas Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT) End-of-Course (EOC) Assessments Summative Assessments Formative Assessments Other Types of Assessments
20 Learning Objectives Students will Recognize the difference between heat and temperature. Recognize that the direction of heat flow is always from hotter object to cooler object. Recognize that heat flow may cause a change in temperature of the objects.
21 Acknowledgments Zachary Champagne and his students Floridas National Mathematics Finalist for the 2006 Presidential Awards for Excellence in Mathematics and Science Teaching Mandarin Oaks Elementary School Duval County Public Schools
22 Problem-Solving and Response to Instruction/Intervention PS/RtI Integrates Efforts