Airports Authorities of India Jaipur Airports Authorities of India Jaipur
Contents Introduction Functions of AAI Role of CNS and ATC Communication VHF transmitter and receiver Security Equipment Navigational instruments Surveillance Conclusion
Introduction of Jaipur airport Most modern security system. Centrally air- conditioning. Baggage conveyer. One run way (width 45m, length 2709m). International and domestic flights.
Functions of AAI Design, Development, Maintenance of all airports. Construction, modification and management of passenger terminals. Control and management of Indian air-space. Provision of Communication and Navigation aids-ILS, DVOR, DME, Radar etc. Provision of passenger facilities.
Airport Authority of India(AAI) Communication Navigation Surveillance Air Traffic Control(ATC) AAI Features
Role of CNS department 1. To maintain Security Equipments namely XBIS, HHMD, DFMD. 2. To maintain Passenger facilitation systems like PA, FIDS, CCTV. 3. To maintain AMSS used for exchanges of messages over AFTN. 4. To provide facilities for the smooth and safe movement of Aircrafts.
Role of ATC department Ground to ground communication. Air to ground communication. Air traffic management. Provide traffic and weather information's for pilots. Approach and terminal control.
Communication refers to sending, receiving and processing of information by electronic means. COMMUNICATION GROUND TO AIRGROUND TO GROUND Communication
VHF(30M-300MHz) air to ground voice communication facilities. Digital Voice Tape Recorder. Dedicated Satellite Communication Network. Voice Communication System. Automatic Message Switching System. Communication Facilities
A transmitter uses an oscillator to produce the desired radio frequency current. Crystal-Controlled oscillators are normally employed to provide better frequency stability. Thinner the crystal, higher will be the operating frequency. Carrier frequency Modulating signal BPFamplifier RF output VHF Transmitters
The VHF RX has the function of selecting the desired signal at vhf frequencies from all the other unwanted signals, amplifying and demodulating it, and reproducing it in the actual shape / desired manner. RF receiver BPF Demodu- lator Audio and power amplifier Local oscillator VHF Receiver
Security Equipment 6040i X-ray downwards and Detectors upwards. organic-Orange. Inorganic-Green. Metal- Blue. Belt speed must be constant. X-ray Baggage
Hand Held Metal Detector Used to detect the presence of any narcotics or explosive materials Works on the principle of ION –MOBILITY SPECTROGRAP HY Samples are used and feed in system. HHMD are used to find the particular part of the body which any metal related particle is there Explosive Test Detection System
Close Circuit Television Control System In CCTV, the picture is viewed or recorded, but not broadcast. 64 CCTV cameras. One control board. Security purpose. Help for investigation in crime.
Public Announcement System and Booth To announcing the information about aircrafts takeoff and landing to passengers. Any delay or cancellation information of aircrafts are announced.
Nav-aids To provide navigational signals for an aircraft receiver. Based on principle of Phase comparison of two 30 hz signals. One reference and 48 variable signal antenna. Operates in VHF band of MHz. DME Antenna Doppler VHF Omni- Directional Range Antenna DVOR
Localizer Helps Aircrafts to identity the central line of RUN-WAY. Range:10-25 NM. Frequency: MHz. Antennas are located about 1000 feet from the stop end of the runway.
Glide path Gives the glide angle i.e. angle of declination achieve for safe landing. Safe glide angle:-2- 4 degrees. Based on level or amplitude comparison(150 & 90 Hz tone). Located on 300 feet to one side of the run-way centre line. DME Antenna Glide Path Antenna
DME Distance Measuring Equipment is a vital navigational Aid, which provides a pilot with visual information regarding his position (distance) relative to the ground based DME station. Based on Radar.
Surveillance The act of watching or monitoring the behavior activities, or other changing information. Surveillance may be applied to observation from a distance means of electronic equipment.