Ancient China and India Chapter 5
Geography of India Indus River Valley civilization Himalayan Mountains Indus River Ganges River Mohenjo-daro Harappa
Why did they settle there? Fertile land Available food and water Protection from invaders Hindu Kush Himalayan Mountains Bay of Bengal Arabian Sea
Aryans Civilization of people who settled in India after the decline of the Indus valley civilization Little is known about these people Nomadic – left behind no buildings Followed herds of cattle Moved using horses and chariots Settled down and began to farm
Hinduism Polytheistic Vedas and Upanishads – religious text Caste system – different levels of society Priests Warriors Merchants Peasants
Hindu Beliefs Universal Force Goal of life is to free the individual soul (atman) by joining it with the universal life force (brahman) Reincarnation Many different lives to reach highest level Life focus on bettering yourself Ahimsa – not injuring any living thing Yoga – Physical and mental exercise Fasting Religious pilgrimages
Buddhism Grew from people questioning Hinduism Based on the teachings of Buddha Siddhartha Gautama Basic principles of poverty, meditation and study
Buddhist Beliefs Rebirth Selfish desire causes human suffering Focus on bettering the world Ultimate goal is to let go of greed, hatred and ignorance Nirvana – blissful state after reaching goal Different forms of Buddhism
Mauryan Empire Chandragupta – first emperor Brilliant and ruthless leader Led India to be peaceful and prosperous Asoka – Chandragupta’s grandson Led similarly to Chandragupta Had a spiritual awakening and changed how he led Ruled following the Buddhist philosophy
Geography of China Protected by ocean, desert and mountain Only 10% of land could grow crops Wet and fertile river valleys Long, navigable rivers
Cause and Effect CauseEffect Natural protection Chinese culture developed in isolation Little land to support crops Limited trade Wet fertile river valleys Large variety of crops Long rivers Huge transportation network
Silk Road Series of different merchants trading from one to another over thousands of miles Not an actual road China traded silk and spices for horses from the north Northerners took silk as they traveled to Mesopotamia
Dynasties of China Shang Zhou (shoe) Qin (chin) Han
Shang Dynasty Government – led by king and noble families Achievements – used bronze tools armor, bows and arrows and chariots Religion – ancestor worship
Zhou Dynasty Warring states Believed they had a “heavenly mandate” to rule Iron tools and weapons
Qin Dynasty China unified under one Emperor Creation of the modern day “China” name Great Wall started Shihuangdi’s tomb with the terra cotta soldiers
Han Dynasty Governed by Confucian ideas Age of scholars Imperial Academy created Pass exams to become part of the government Important because even the poor could be part of the government
Confucianism Based on the teachings of Cunfucius Treat others the way you would want to be treated Polite, respectful behavior High regard for learning
Taoism Also known as Daoism Based on the teachings of Lao-tzu Order and harmony come from nature Find calmness in everything around you Don’t strive for useless things or have unnecessary arguments
Yin Yang