Roberto Pagani _ EU Co-Director EU China Clean Energy Centre, Beijing EUROPE CHINA CLEAN ENERGY CENTRE A hub of excellence, providing support to the Chinese.


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Presentation transcript:

Roberto Pagani _ EU Co-Director EU China Clean Energy Centre, Beijing EUROPE CHINA CLEAN ENERGY CENTRE A hub of excellence, providing support to the Chinese Government and key players in the energy sector, both Chinese and European EU-CHINA CLEAN ENERGY CENTRE

EU_China Clean Energy Centre Roberto Pagani _ EU Co-Director EU China Clean Energy Centre, Beijing In the “EU-China Joint Declaration on Energy Security”, China's National Energy Administration and the EU DG Energy designated EC2 as one of the important tools to be used for the implementation of the commitments on China-EU cooperation in clean energy. Enterprises from both sides were also encouraged to work closely with EC2. EU-China Cooperation on Clean Energy Energy-efficient Building (SIEEB) at Tsinghua University in Beijing EU-CHINA CLEAN ENERGY CENTRE

we experience a huge environmental bill always the payment of this bill is postponed to future generations… this provides insecurity and perception of environmental catastrophe ENVIRONMENTAL BILL

we are in a era of tremendous innovation some economists speak of uncertainty and risks but we should never speak of uncertainty… uncertainty is a living condition and we need to comply with it DRIVING FORCE

EXTENSIVE SUSTAINABILITY Every city, every industry, every manufacturer wants to be "sustainable” but there is a risk …one solution makes a sustainable building …. two or three buildings make a sustainable district hence the “extensive sustainability.. ”

OLD STYLE … we have tremendous problems… …give us a technical solution NEW STYLE … we ALL have problems …let us cooperate to find holistic solutions HOW TO CHANGE

PERMANENCE & RECONSTRUCTION …when the economic growth keeps values of 10% /y we have to teach the value of “permanence” the "permanence" of housing is times higher than transport

SUSTAINABILITY & DURABILITY durability one reason why european cities are somehow more sustainable…

teachers, design teachers affects the future … a long-term future buildings and land use modifications last several decades or centuries this is a huge responsibility for Institutes of Knowledge. TRAINING EFFORTS

LEARNING MOMENTS we have learnt that: INNOVATION occurs when a process reaches a critical mass capable of overcoming the inertia of the "orthodox system” we have learnt that: we need to BUILD INTEGRATION

what happens with such e-learning activity is a of extraordinary relevance sharing the experience in real time between two Continents sharing problems and opportunities, visions and capabilities China and Europe are closer today our Centre EC2 is proud having provided the bridge now we have to walk on it and reach each other sides LEARNING MOMENTS

talk the walk (teachers) walk the talk (students) walk the walk (what EC2 wants to do with you) LEARNING MOMENTS