Economic Impact of Energy Saving Measures in PR China Joachim Böhme Senior consultant UNIRULE Institute of Economics Beijing
China‘s energy consumption
Energy intensity
Energy demand and import requirements
Fuel consumption
Residential energy consumption
Carbon intensity of heating
Energy demand at transport - world
Rising demand..
Energy demand on transport – world
Final energy demand world
Leap model
Opportunities to save energy At public and residential buildings At industrial sector At transport On electricity consumers/ households
CDM on buildings
Improvement of energy efficiency
Greater and lesser demand
Enhancement of energy efficiency of buildings
Economic impact by sectors - samples By a rising demand By rising energy prices (global impact) By environmental harm/ losses By investments in energy saving measures
Co-Benefits from energy saving
Fuel economy
Mitigation option szenario 1 – steel
Mitigation option szenario 2 - steel
Mitigation option szenario 3 - steel
Policy requirements to reduce energy consumption at 6 main sectors Tarif models for water and electricity Gas/ fuel limitation and prices Bans on articles ( e.g. plastic bags ) Limits on individual traffic Energy consumption/ emission limits/ industry Insulation of Buildings
Policy requirements to reduce energy consumption Making the Alternative Policy Scenario a reality There are formidable hurdles to the adoption and implementation of the policies and measures in the Alternative Policy Scenario. In practice, it will take considerable political will to push these policies through, many of which are bound to encounter resistance from some industry and consumer interests. Politicians need to spell out clearly the benefits to the economy and to society as a whole of the proposed measures. In most countries, the public is becoming familiar with the energy-security and environmental advantages of action to encourage more efficient energy use and to boost the role of renewable energies like solar, wind and biogas
Policy influence
Fuel saving in different terms
Mitigation options
A big challenge.. UNIRULE is requested to increase capabilities and capacities in future researches at the energy efficiency sector !!!
What everyone can do.. Tips at Greenchoice webside ar1=content/mainpage/main.htm& ar1=content/mainpage/main.htm&
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