MODULE I - EXERCISES Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer © 2014
Exercise 1 – Prioritizing Resources Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer, 2014, Reserved Rights 2 SocietyLandEquipmentPersonnelInformation Technology Agrarian Industrial Services Knowledge
Exercise 2 - IT Governance Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer, 2014, Reserved Rights 3 Increase efficiency Increase effectiveness Increase value/benefits Reduce Risk Perform an impact analysis trying to achieve all objectives maximizing investment for each type of resource. (Use table provided)
Exercise2 - IT Governance Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer, 2014, Reserved Rights 4 Governance Objective Personnel Time/Effort Information Technology Fiscal Investment Controls Increase Efficiency Increase Effectiveness Increase Value/Benefits Reduce Risk
Exercise 3 Governance Models Watch the YouTube videos related to Governance: The Governance Problem: How it started (Video)Video What is Governance (BrownDog Consulting)BrownDog Consulting Inyathelo on Governance (YouTube Video)YouTube Video Read the following linked references: Open Compliance Ethics and Governance Model ( Cadbury Report (PDF)PDF OECD Principles of Corporate Governance (See site)See site SOX (Sarbanes-Oxley) (PL , 2002)PL , 2002 D.F. Larcker, International Corporate Governance, Center for Leadership & Research, Stanford Graduate School of BusinessInternational Corporate Governance
Carmen R. Cintrón Ferrer, 2014, Reserved Rights 6 Write an essay that compares (similarities/differences) in the basic principles that at least three models pursue. You must choose to compare at least a US and an European model. The essay should address the following questions: What does the different models have in common? Are there any significant differences among models? Emphasis Interests Controls (Internal/External) Regulatory compliance – coercive effect Which are the expected benefits? What role does Trust play? Is IT a key factor? Exercise 3 Governance Models