All about me.
Riding horses Football Baseball Power lifting
Steak Pizza Bar-b-queue
Ms. LAbove Ms. Dean Mrs. Lee Ms. Guillory Ms. Jean
Help the U.S with its debt with China Make a cure for aids and HIV Make the world a better place
Plan to be playing football in the N.F.L. Doing music production Modeling
Ray Lewis Troy Polomolu Willis McGhee Champ Bailey Emit Smith Jhaved Best Earl Thomas
More about me!
I am 18 years old... or 216 months old or 939 weeks old or 6,576 days old or 157,831 hours old or 9,469,900 minutes old or 568,194,027 seconds old and my next birthday celebration is in: 363 days 16 hrs 19 mines 34 secs.
Sinbad Owen Wilson
No one has the same name as me
SAME BIRTHDAY AS ME A. Arthur Peterson- actor B. Howard Thurman- theologist C. Peter pocklington-NHL owner WHO DIED ON MY B-DAY A. President chester a. arthur B. Singer Hal Dickinson C. Donald dillaway-actor WHAT HAPPENED ON MY BIRTHDAY A. William tell shot an apple of his sons head-1307 B oahu railway begins public service in Hawaii C Albania gains independence from Turkey
In 1497 Bartolomeu Dias discovers Cape of Good Hope. In 1928 Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse debuts in New York in Steamboat Willie In 1943 First ambassador to Canada, Ray Atherton, nominated.