Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration 2009 –
Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration Objectives: to promote and strengthen cooperation, exchange of knowledge and networks between public administration structures on all administrative levels in NB8 countries to facilitate the harmonization of more efficient working methods of the public sector the overall goal is to increase the global competitive power of the region
Purposes of the programme – the promotion of: exchange on best practices and knowledge transfer for mutual benefit on all administrative levels cross-sectoral cooperation capacity building within local and regional authorities facilitation of joint Nordic-Baltic utilisation of different EU funds and project financing
Financial framework EUR annually Co-financing: The programme covers max. 70% of the total eligible costs of the mobility Min. 30% co-financing from the applicant is required Eligible costs: Travel expenses (incl. travel insurance) Accommodation Per diem
Applicants : Nordic and Baltic civil servants (individuals or groups) and other staff employed in different sectors in public administration, authorities and institutions at state, regional or local level. Applicants from the Baltic countries have to find partners in at least 2 Nordic countries, Nordic applicants – in at least two Baltic countries. Eligible forms of activity: study visits internships on the job-training network activities
Strong sides of the programme (according to the external evaluation): Cross sectoral Bottom up approach Decentralised Flexible Practical
Statistics and feedback In applications (1 individual internship, 39 group visits, 8 networks) 18 – from local and regional governments, 24 – from governmental institutions, 5 – from institutes and foundations, 1 – international organisation
Participating countries in the granted projects 2010: 1) in total, 2) as partner, 3) as aplicant.
Some feedback from the reports 2009 Ole Wolf, Project Manager of the Cultural Department of the Municipality of Horsens, Denmark: We visited Tallinn (Estonia), Jurmala (Latvia) and Vilnius (Lithuania). Our aim was to study the fields of creative economy development of new attractions and festivals within “experience Economy”. We have seen numerous interesting projects and seen many skilful solutions to problems we face ourselves. Even though we might not be able to copy them overnight, we now have a bank of ideas for the coming years. Hopefully we at the same time established the necessary contacts to increase networking with the Baltic Countries in the future. It was easy to apply the Programme, not the least bureaucratic. Questions were answered quickly and fulfilling.
The total amount granted in 2011: EUR Applicants from Latvia in 2011: Valmiera City Council, LV Riga Central Library, LV Riga City Council Welfare Department, LV Kekava Municipality Culture Agency, LV The Latvian National Commission for UNESCO, LV Society Integration Foundation, LV Baltic Assembly, LV State Regional Development Agency, LV Pauls Stradins Clinical University Hospital, LV Ministry of Economics of Latvia, LV The Ministry of Welfare of the Republic of Latvia, LV State Police of the Ministry of Interior, LV The State Land Service of Latvia, LV Court Administration of Latvia, LV Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Latvia, LV State Inspection for Heritage protection, LV
Nordic-Baltic Mobility Programme for Public Administration Management body of the programme: Nordic Council of Ministers’ Office in Estonia Madis Kanarbik, Programme Coordinator Tel: , Mob: Contact person in Latvia: NCM Office in Latvia Daina Mežecka Tel.: , Mob:
Nordic Council of MinistersNordic Council of Ministers Ziemeļu Ministru padomes NVO atbalsta programmas Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu NVO programma - videi un ilgtspējīgai attīstībai (finansējums vienam projektam – līdz 9000 LVL, administrētājs – ZMP birojs Latvijā) Pieteikšanās termiņš: 2012.gada 1. marts Baltijas jūras reģiona NVO programma (finansējums vienam projektam – līdz LVL, administrētājs – ZMP sekretariāts Kopenhāgenā) Pieteikšanās termiņš: 2012.gada 27. aprīlis
Nordic Council of MinistersNordic Council of Ministers NVO atbalsta programmu mērķi sadarbības veicināšana starp Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu [un ZR Krievijas un Baltkrievijas] nevalstiskām organizācijām, pilsoniskās sabiedrības stiprināšana un jaunu ilgtspējīgu iniciatīvu atbalstīšana. Finansējums tiek piešķirts jaunu iniciatīvu īstenošanai, kas turpināsies arī pēc projekta noslēguma.
Nordic Council of MinistersNordic Council of Ministers Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu NVO programma Atbalstīto aktivitāšu jomas (2011): Vides izglītība – 2, Jaunatnes līdzdalība jaunatnes politikas veidošanā pašvaldībās – 1, Integrācija darba tirgū – 1, Patērētāju izglītība (saldūdens kvalitāte) – 1, Audžuģimeņu atbalsta grupas -1 Atbalsts kampaņai «Nauda seko bērnam» (b/d vietu piedāvājums).
Nordic Council of MinistersNordic Council of Ministers Ziemeļvalstu un Baltijas valstu mobilitātes programma „Uzņēmējdarbība un rūpniecība”
Nordic Council of MinistersNordic Council of Ministers Kas un kā var pieteikties? Indivīdi un grupas, kas pārstāv: mazus un vidējus uzņēmumus, viena cilvēka uzņēmumus. biznesa inkubatorus valsts institūcijas, kas darbojas biznesa pārvaldības jomā biznesa organizācijas Pieteikšanās termiņš: gada 30. marts Pieteikšanās elektroniskā pieteikšanās sistēmā.
Nordic Council of MinistersNordic Council of Ministers Atbalstāmās aktivitātes sadarbības tīklu un t.s. klāsteru veidošana ar semināru, darba grupu un līdzīgu aktivitāšu palīdzību mācību vizītes stažēšanās darba prakse Programma sedz līdz 70% no mobilitātes izmaksām (ceļš, nakšņošana, apdrošināšana, dienasnauda)
Nordic Council of MinistersNordic Council of Ministers Paldies par uzmanību! Vairāk par grantu programmām -