DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied SE 1a TGT/A Lead Supported (Supporting)EntitiesMOEsMOEIs Deny hostile groups’ movement in KUH Hostile Groups Border Security Neighbor States CTFNumber of reported/ suspected border violations Decrease in number of incidents Limited mobility within KUH Increased number of reports of hostile movement through KUH
DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied SE 1b TGT/A Lead Supported (Supporting)EntitiesMOEsMOEIs Deny hostile groups’ sanctuary and activities in KUH Hostile GroupsCTFNumber of hostile groups safe havens No further safe havens established Decrease in number of safe havens Local populace’s support of hostile groups Increase in number of reports of hostile activities Increase in human intelligence reporting Hostile group IO activities Decrease in hostile group media coverage Increase in positive media coverage
DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied SE 2 TGT/A Lead Supported (Supporting)EntitiesMOEsMOEIs Deny public support for hostile group activities Local populace CTF (IHC) Government capable of providing support for the people Increase in essential services Decrease in crime Terrorist recruiting campaign denied Decrease in terrorist activity Confidence in government increased Increase in number of requests for assistance from local and national governments Increased security Increased reports from population on hostile group activities
DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied SE 3 TGT/A Lead Supported (Supporting)EntitiesMOEsMOEIs CTF’s ability to respond effectively and decisively to hostile group activities Hostile Groups CTF Intelligence collection on hostile group activity Increase in reporting efficiency Timely response to hostile threats Increase in CTF response capability (Quick Reaction Force, etc…)
DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied SE 4 TGT/A Lead Supported (Supporting)EntitiesMOEsMOEIs Building host nation anti-terrorism capabilities Local government PopulationCTF Hostile groups’ recruiting efforts denied Increase in employment rates Increase in law enforcement capability Host Nation Terrorist Response Team developed Increase in number of responses to hostile group activities Host nation assumes greater responsibility Accurate & timely intelligence on hostile groups’ activities
DP - 4 (EXTERNAL SUPPORT FOR HOSTILE ACTIVITIES IS DENIED) SETgt / A Lead Supported (Supporting) Entities MOEsMOEIs Denial of funds, materiel, training and sanctuaries. IPM, MW, Training Camps, Sources of funds (charities, drugs, crime etc.) UN, KUH Gov, CTF, KUH Police, Border Guards, Financial Institutions, Intel (COMINT, ELINT, HUMINT) Closure of Trg Facilities Restrictions on collection & disbursement of funds Reduced cross border movement of materiel Reduced numbers of camp/ sanctuaries Reduced quantity & quality of equipment, weapons, munitions Reduced sophistication and frequency of attacks Establish effective border control Reduced cross border movement
DP - 4 (EXTERNAL SUPPORT FOR HOSTILE ACTIVITIES IS DENIED) SETgt / A Lead Supported (Supporting) Entities MOEsMOEIs Denial of Terrorists Cadre IPM, MW, Mestizo community, IDPs, UN, KUH Gov, CTF, KUH Police, Border Guards, Intel Reduced terrorists strength Economic Up- liftment Improved Education Social Discrimination Reduced cross border movement Reduced & Selective hostile activities Diminished recruitment by hostile groups Improved Demographic balance
DP - 4 (EXTERNAL SUPPORT FOR HOSTILE ACTIVITIES IS DENIED) SETgt / A Lead Supported (Supporting) Entities MOEsMOEIs Denial of International Support for Hostile Activities International governments, MW, PMAK, Media, NGOs/IOs UN, TCC Govs, KUH Gov, CTF (PR) Increased political pressure Increased positive media coverage Political Sanctions/ Declarations by other states Other state actions against transnational terrorist organisations Laws against hostile acts Increased popular support for CTF activities (locally & internationally) Reduced popular support for terrorists organisations
DP - 4 (EXTERNAL SUPPORT FOR HOSTILE ACTIVITIES IS DENIED) SETgt / A Lead Supported (Supporting) Entities MOEsMOEIs Increased Host Nations Capabilities KUH Government agencies CTF, KUH Gov agencies Improved anti- terrorism capabilities by local police Reduction in hostile acts in Kuhistan
DP 3 : Hostile Groups’ freedom of action & sanctuary are denied Ending Conditions Supporting Effects Critical to successful DP achievement Hostile group attacks have ceased/ significantly diminished Pre-empt hostile groups’ movement, sanctuary and activities in KUH Hostile groups’ movement interdicted, activities exposed and sanctuary denied CTF’s ability to response effectively and decisively to terrorist activities Local populace & refugees cease support for hostile groups - security for local populace Winning the hearts & minds of local populace and refugees by CTF & IHC Effective IO efforts by CTF, KUH & SON complemented by HA efforts Building host nation anti- terrorism capabilities Accurate & timely intelligence on hostile groups’ activities