WWI Alliances
M.A.I.N. Causes of WWI Militarism A country builds up its weapons and military May not use it Alliance System Countries agree to help each other Fight, give supplies/money
M.A.I.N Causes of WWI Imperialism A stronger country takes over a weaker country Nationalism Pride in your country or nationality You feel like you belong to a group
Austria-Hungary Type of Gov: Monarchy/Emperor Franz Josef Relatives: Archduke Franz Ferdinand (nephew & heir) -son committed suicide, wife & daughter dead
Austria-Hungary Alliances: they feared Russia so they allied with Germany in sign a treaty with Italy & Germany in 1882 (This becomes the Triple Alliance)
Austria-Hungary Imperialism: they had just gained Bosnia and other Balkan countries -took over Hungary
Austria-Hungary Nationalism: wanted to unite the “Austrian” race.
Serbia Alliance: Russia to protect themselves from Austria-Hungary -also had used Russia’s help in freeing themselves from the Ottomans Nationalism: they wanted to reunite “Slavic” peoples/Serbs -A-H had Bosnia, etc.
Germany Type Gov: monarchy/Kaiser Wilhelm II Relatives: 1 st cousins (through father) King George of Great Britain
Germany Militarism: 1.Building up arms- experimenting with gases (secret) 2.Want larger army 3.Begin building up navy
Germany Imperialism: Arguing over Alsace-Lorraine with Germany (coal/iron)
Russia Type of Gov: monarchy/Tsar Nicholas II Relatives: 1 st cousins (through mom) King George of Great Britain -wife Alexandra is granddaughter of late Queen Victoria of England & she is related to almost every royal family but more importantly her father was German.
Russia Militarism: Fear German build up Alliances: 1887 had one with Germany but it lapses France 1907-Great Britain -this becomes the Triple Entente -ally with Serbia
Russia Imperialism: need a warm water port (want one near Mediterranean Sea) -look to the Balkans for the port -before WWI had aided Serbs in freeing themselves from Ottoman Empire
Russia Nationalism: change capital from St. Petersburg to Petrograd -feel language and culture is Slavic and want to unite Slavic people
France Type of Gov: Parliamentary system/Prime Minister Clemenceau Militarism: fear German build up Alliances: 1894 look to Russia to sandwich Germany treaty Great Britain Imperialism: wants Alsace-Lorraine to protect border with Germany.
Great Britain Type of Gov: monarchy/Parliament -King George V/ Prime Minister Relatives: 1 st cousins Tzar & Wilhelm -cousins Queen Netherlands, King Belgium -cousins to Tzar’s wife
Great Britain Militarism: always had the best navy (scared of Germany naval build up) Alliances: 1904-France -2 nd treaty France & Russia become Triple Entente (“friendly understanding”)
Great Britain Imperialism: had an empire -India, Canada, Australia, South Africa, etc. (means these countries are their allies in war)
Ottoman Empire Type Gov: Monarchy/ Sultan Mehmed V Alliances: Germany will form an alliance in 1914 to cut off Russia Imperialism: lost part of their empire early 1900s (Balkans, etc.) -own most modern day Middle East Nationalism: unite all Muslim countries
Bulgaria Type Gov: Monarchy/ King Ferdinand Alliances: ally Ottomans to get land back from Romania Nationalism: originally part of the Ottomans but in 1912 separate along with Serbia, Greece, Albania, Montenegro -they then argued over land and a 2 nd war between Bulgaria and Romania (with Serbia, Montenegro, Greece) occurred
Romania Type of Gov: King Ferdinand Alliances: ally with Russia and the Allies to keep territory from Bulgaria
Italy Type of Gov: King Victor Emmanuel III/Prime Minister Alliances: original alliance with Germany and Austria-Hungary -neutral start of war -eventually become Allied Powers
The Event (Spark) Archduke & wife go to Sarajevo (Bosnia) for parade Serbian Anarchist group “Black Hand” Gavril Princip assainates the Archduke & his wife!
Who Cares???? Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia Who has to come in and help Serbia? Russia! Who comes in to help A-H? Germany! Who helps Russia? France! Who helps France? Great Britain! Who helps Germany? Ottoman Empire!
Schlieffen Plan Over 100 years old Made by Count Schlieffen in case Germany had to fight a two front war 1. Go through neutral Belgium & Luxumberg 2. Capture Paris 3. Wheel around back through Germany & resupply 4. Go to Russia (Russia has a 6 week mobility time) Problem!!!!! Solution!!!!
Why It Didn’t Work: 1. Belgium forces held off the Germans & delayed their entrance into Paris 2. Russia moved faster than expected 3. France are able to get their troops from Alsace- Lorraine border to Paris through taxi cabs & railroads THE GERMANS STUCK!!! Solution? Trenches
It’s a World War!!! ( )