Mordecai: A Character Study Forest Hills Bible Chapel 21 March 2010
Mordecai – A Character Study Mordecai – our knowledge of him comes exclusively from the Book of Esther, and some rabbis believed he wrote the book. (see Esther 9:20; “The Book of Mordecai”?) Mordecai – our knowledge of him comes exclusively from the Book of Esther, and some rabbis believed he wrote the book. (see Esther 9:20; “The Book of Mordecai”?)
Mordecai – A Character Study Is there a parallel between Burt the Chimney Sweep, and Mary Poppins? Is there a parallel between Burt the Chimney Sweep, and Mary Poppins?
Mordecai – A Character Study Mordecai – our knowledge of him comes exclusively from the Book of Esther, and some rabbis believed he wrote the book. (see Esther 9:20; “The Book of Mordecai”?) Mordecai – our knowledge of him comes exclusively from the Book of Esther, and some rabbis believed he wrote the book. (see Esther 9:20; “The Book of Mordecai”?) Mordecai was a Benjamite, descended from Kish, the father of King Saul. Mordecai was a Benjamite, descended from Kish, the father of King Saul. Mordecai, though his name is Babylonian, showed a clear love for his fellow Jews who chose to remain in Persia. Mordecai, though his name is Babylonian, showed a clear love for his fellow Jews who chose to remain in Persia.
Mordecai – A Character Study Mordecai is committed to family, raising his cousin (his uncle’s daughter) after her parents had died – Esther 2:7 Mordecai is committed to family, raising his cousin (his uncle’s daughter) after her parents had died – Esther 2:7 Mordecai refuses to comply with Haman’s demand that he bow down in Haman’s presence – Esther 3:2-6. Mordecai refuses to comply with Haman’s demand that he bow down in Haman’s presence – Esther 3:2-6. Mordecai persuades Esther to do what is right and intercede for her people – 4:12-14 (cf. 2:10). Mordecai persuades Esther to do what is right and intercede for her people – 4:12-14 (cf. 2:10).
Mordecai – A Character Study Mordecai was blessed with a position of power and authority in Persia – see Esther 8:1-10:3. Mordecai was blessed with a position of power and authority in Persia – see Esther 8:1-10:3. Summation – Mordecai was one of God’s people, living in a culture that was not a “believing” culture, but in which he participated. Summation – Mordecai was one of God’s people, living in a culture that was not a “believing” culture, but in which he participated. Mordecai and others like him were looking for Messiah, but were still faithfully serving God in the midst of their age, culture, and time. Mordecai and others like him were looking for Messiah, but were still faithfully serving God in the midst of their age, culture, and time.