Pupils are not given enough opportunities to apply their mathematical skills in other subjects. We believe that all children should have the chance to apply the skills that they learn in the core subjects of Maths and English within other lessons and in real- life contexts. Therefore we have been actively planning how we can offer our pupils more access to tasks and activities that will allow them to use and apply their existing knowledge and skills. Our OFSTED report has this statement as one of its main points; When we take this statement and think about our vision for pupils education, it is clear that we need to maximise pupils opportunities to use and apply skills and FACE – IT FRIDAY is a crucial part of this.
Each week every class dedicates some of their lesson time on a Friday to complete a task related to their topic work. This task is carefully designed to give the children an opportunity to plan their own work and apply skills that they have been taught in previous lessons. The task will always have a practical element because we want to encourage all learners using the V.A.K. model; Visual Auditory Kinaesthetic Class 3 were asked to use travel brochures to cost out holidays for different clients, based around the idea that they worked in a Thomson call centre. It was set in a ‘real-life’ context. It was linked to their topic – ‘My European Holiday’
Challenge: Try to think of FIVE ‘everyday’ activities that could enable you to involve your child through using and applying maths skills.
Please tell your friends that this is available!!! It will be on the school website from later on tonight. For those with no internet access a copy can be collected from the school.