Elements of Legally Enforceable Sales Contracts By: Bobbie Hawkins
Legal Agreements Offer Offer And acceptance And acceptance Consideration Consideration Exchange of value Exchange of value
Illegal Agreements Cocaine Cocaine Criminal activities Criminal activities Sale of alcohol Sale of alcohol
Unenforceable Contracts Marriage contract Marriage contract Bankruptcy Bankruptcy Wages Wages
Contracts Contrary to Public Policy Exculpatory Agreement Exculpatory Agreement Unconscionable Contracts Unconscionable Contracts Contracts with Public Servants Contracts with Public Servants Contracts in restraint of trade Contracts in restraint of trade
Conclusion A contract is a legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties that creates an obligation to do or not do particular things An agreement legally enforceable
References Meiners, R.E., Ringleb, A.H., & Edwards, F.L. (2006). The legal environment of business (9th ed.) Will Your Contract be Enforced Under law? (2009). Findlaw, A Thomson Reuters Business. Retrieved September 9,2009 from forms-contracts-overview/business-forms-contracts-overview- enforceable(1).html forms-contracts-overview/business-forms-contracts-overview- enforceable(1).html forms-contracts-overview/business-forms-contracts-overview- enforceable(1).html Contracts (2007). Retrieved September 9,2009. from