Electronic Storytelling Create a book in 10 steps By Luba Ostrizki Annette Alon Ruthi Solomon
Step 1 Read, read and read as many books as possible to your pupils in order to get a sense of a story.
Step 2 Introduce different types of books: picture books, comic books, big books, small books, shape books, pop up books, chapter books, e-books and e-stories.
Step 3 Discuss the similarities and the differences between the books they read. Shape, length, content, illustrations...
Step 4 Discuss the different characteristics of a book: Book front cover Discuss the saying: “ Don't judge a book by its cover" Do you think it helps us choose a certain book out of many others on the shelf? Does it help us predict what will happen in the story? Back cover - the process of writing a book blurb
Book title Short, catchy and summarizing the story. Author and illustrator Write a short paragraph about the author/ illustrator of the book. The illustrations - do you think they help the readers understand what the content of the book? "A picture is worth thousand words ”
The characters in the book (Who?) The plot (What happened?) The setting (where? and when?) The problem and the solution in the story
Step 5 If the book has a topic such as: -60 years to Israel, -130 years to Petach Tikva -My Journey in Israel, -A story about my town, Ask your pupils to research the background information.
Step 6 Create a story board with your pupils Step 7 Choose with your pupils the characters and try to describe them as much as possible in order to create an interesting character (a good opportunity to teach adjectives).
Step 8 Create a checklist for your pupils to check that they included all of the elements in their book Step 9 Teach your pupils to hand in a draft copy of the story (without the pictures) Work with your pupils on revision of the spelling and sentence structure.
Step 10 Create the assessment rubrics for the book presentation and present it to your pupils in advance.