EUROPEAN PE PERFORMANCE – FIRST HALF 2011 All European Private Equity Returns Outperform Public Markets, driven by buyout funds; short-term venture returns move positive as long-term returns weaken DEALS INTELLIGENCE November 28, 2011 For the period ending June 30, 2011, European private equity performance showed positive returns across all but the 3-year investment horizon, however all but the 3-year investment horizon experienced year-over-year and 6 month declines. 1-year returns, which are most affected by current market conditions, moved in a positive direction for venture capital funds, registering a 12.2 percentage point increase from last year to 1.7%. The longer- term 20-year time horizon just held positive for venture capital funds with a slight decrease from June last year from 0.5% to 0.1%. Buyout funds saw one year returns decrease 3.7 percentage points from June 2010, but held strongly positive at 15.3%. In the buyouts category, the buyout funds in the 1-year time horizon, and the small, medium and large buyout funds in the in the 20-year time horizon drove performance, with double-digit performance figures. The “all private equity” returns outperformed the Morgan Stanley Euro Equity Index across every time horizon ending June 30, 2011, and outperformed the FTSE100 across all but the 3-year time horizon. Thomson Reuters European Private Equity Performance Index (PEPI) Investment Horizon Performance through 30/6/2011 Fund Type 1 Yr 3 Yr 5 Yr 10 Yr 20 Yr Seed/Early VC Balanced VC Later Stage VC All Venture All Venture (through 31/12/2010) All Ventue (through 30/06/2010) Small Buyouts Medium Buyouts Large Buyouts Mega Buyouts All Buyouts All Buyouts (through 31/12/2010) All Buyouts (through 30/06/2010) Mezzanine All Private Equity All Private Equity (through 31/12/2010) All Private Equity (through 30/06/2010) FTSE 100 Total Return Morgan Stanley Euro Equity Index Total Return n/a Source: Thomson Reuters Methodology: The Private Equity Performance Index is based on the latest quarterly statistics from Thomson Reuters' private Equity Performance Database analyzing the cash flows and returns for over 1,395 European venture capital and private equity partnerships with a capitalization of EURO billion. Sources are financial documents and schedules from Limited Partners investors and General Partners. All returns are calculated by Thomson Reuters from the underlying financial cash flows. Returns are net to investors after management fees and carried interest. Buyout finds sizes are defined as following: Small: million USD, Medium: million USD, Large: million USD, Mega: 500 million USD+.