Online Resources and IT Accessing online resources Learning to use online resources The Law Library web site Journals/Law Reports look up tool All information is in the handout “Essential IT Information” including all the URLs
Accessing online resources Access via the Law Library web site legal resources only or Access via Oxlip all subjects including law
Passwords Some databases are free – you will never be asked for a password Some databases will not ask you for a password when you within the Oxford network… but will need one from outside (more on these later) Some databases will always ask you for a password. This is normally an ‘Athens ID’
Athens IDs A personal username and password used to access many databases Needed for: HeinOnline, Justis, Lawtel, Lexis Nexis Butterworths, Westlaw Get Must have activated your Oxford single sign on (webmail) account log in using your Oxford single sign on username and password Use the same address to reset your password if you forget it
Get Athens password and remote access password Reset forgotten passwords
Some passwords are supplied on screen… [OXLIP. P.WORD] When you link to the database you will be given a password on screen
Other passwords Casetrack (UK transcripts) Personal Lawtel (for alerting service) Request by to Give you University card number Name of the database in the subject line (e.g. Casetrack, Lawtel)
Passwords Passwords are supplied for academic use only NEVER lend your password to anyone else
Accessing resources from off campus Your Athens ID will give you access to many databases from outside Oxford … but not everything and not Oxford only web pages To access everything use the ‘Virtual Private Network’ or the ‘OUCS dial up service’
Using Athens off campus Athens web and choose “My Athens” followed by “Resources” or Look for log on options within databases for “EDUSERV ATHENS”, “Athens users log in here”
Toolbar – allows you to log in to Athens and select resources from your toolbar List of online resources
OUCS VPN Service Oxford University Computing Service - Virtual Private Network Full access to everything as if you are on campus Also used to access wireless network You will need Remote access username and password VPN software Both available from Once installed connect to databases as usual More databases/ external#vpn
Reset forgotten passwords Get remote access password Get software: VPN (for access from outside and wireless access)
OUCS dial up service Similar to VPN service but uses your telephone line Full access as if you are on campus Only suitable for people living in the Oxford area due to phone line costs Slow connection speed More
Learning to use online resources and other library resources
Training classes Induction programme Drop in sessions Weeks 3-8:Weds Self taught tutorials
Postgraduate induction Intro to Common Law Resources Introduction to the UK legal system for students from civil law jurisdictions Computing & online services for postgraduate law students Run by the computing service and introduces OUCS facilities and services Westlaw Finding materials from the UK, USA and beyond Getting Started Introduction to online resources including: finding online journals, indexing services, current awareness, introduction to Endnote, intro to new technologies Missed Everything For students who do not arrive until next week! Library Tours
Postgraduate Induction To book places postgraduate/induction.shtml Choose “Book for Library and IT induction sessions” Only book one place for each session
Self Paced Tutorials Self paced e-resources_and_guides/training/ database_guides Turn off your pop up blocker
Other Training Opportunities Look out for future sessions on…. Library web site Postgraduate mailing lists Other enquiries &
The Bodleian Law Library web site
OLIS – the Library catalogue Legal Databases Services for postgraduates Guides to jurisdictions & subjects and study / database guides Class timetable Library News Inter Library loans – if we don’t have the book or journal you need Database showing where to find law journals and law reports