State of the Structures TC Jeanette Domber Structures TC Chair 04/09/13.


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Presentation transcript:

State of the Structures TC Jeanette Domber Structures TC Chair 04/09/13

Standing Officers Jeanette Domber – Chair Steve Russell – Vice Chair, Chair Elect Lisa Hardaway – Secretary The offices of Vice Chair and Secretary will be up for election at next year’s conference.  Start thinking about nominations or running yourself  For the past few years, these elections have been uncontested  We have many active members of the committee who should consider running

Standing Subcommittees Steering  Advises chair, reviews membership applications Education  Chaired by Mike Wolff  Concentrating on undergraduate design competition  Looking at ways to do outreach at future conferences Awards  Chaired by Brett Bednarcyk  Helps find and complete nomination packages for AIAA awards that Structures TC participates in  Choose Collier Best Structures Paper Award  Help TC members apply for membership upgrades 3

Standing Subcommittees Agenda  Chaired by Grant Henson  Determines topic for Sunday night conference meeting Student Paper Awards  Chaired by Rob Taylor  Determines winner for Hilton Best Structures Student Paper Award  Determines winner for Lockheed Martin Best Structures Student Paper Award 4

Two New Subcommittees (1/2) NEM transition subcommittee  Subcommittee charter is to ease the transition from the SDM to colocating at the SciTech Forum staring in January 2014 –Extra reminders about deadlines –Disseminating information –Feedback to representative on timing of events (like Awards Luncheon, SDM Key Notes, Student paper presentations)  Looking for people with SDM and ASM experience  Former SDM planning representatives  Current SDM planning representatives So far I have 2 volunteers  Dave Wieland, Mark Sensmeier 5

Two New Subcommittees (2/2) Procedures subcommittee  Update handbook based on new calendar associated with colocating at SciTech 2014  Goal to reissue handbook by June of 2014 So far, I have 1 volunteer  Troy Mann 6

Structures Representatives  Dawn Phillips, 54 th SDM 2013, Boston, MA  TBD, 55 th SDM 2014, National Harbor, MD –Johanne had to resign do to CSA budget constraints  TBD, 56 th SDM 2015, San Diego, CA 55th SDM Conference in National Harbor, MD  January 13 – 17, 2014  SDM General Chair is Carlos Cesnik –Converting to SciTech Technical Chair

Liasons and other Tasks TC Web Editor: Cristina Beldica, Univ. Illinois Aerospace America Editor: Harry Hilton, Univ. of Illinois Liaison with Materials TC: Brian Wardle, MIT Liaison with Structural Dynamics TC: Bruce Willis, Boeing Integrated Defense Systems Liaison with AIAA Long Range Planning Committee: Stan Smeltzer, NASA Langley Research Center Liaison with AIAA Strategic Directions Committee: Stan Smeltzer, NASA Langley Research Center 8

Structures TC Membership Structures TC Membership includes:  35 Members  5 International Members  6 Associate Members  63 Friends  109 Total The Structures TC uses the “Friend” category to introduce newcomers to the TC Committee membership is limited by AIAA to 35 Members, so longstanding Members of the TC are returned to Friend status on an annual basis to make room for new Members

Annual Report Summary Due to TAC on January 31 Summary of committee activities over the past year Highlights include:  Completion of handbook (which now needs an update thanks to NEM)  First award of Collier Best Structures Paper 10

Recent TAC News Gossamer PC to Spacecraft Structures TC was approved  1 more AIAA hurdle (rubber stamp?) before it’s official  Focus on lightweight space structures  Looking for liaison to this committee  Will require a high level of coordination as we expect confusion from community at large as to the differences in our two committees 11

Upcoming TC Activities Summer used to be the quiet time for the committee May 15 – SciTech special session topics due June 5 – SciTech abstracts due July 1 – SciTech abstract reviews due

Fall Meeting Transition to summer? Volunteer to host Last year’s cohost with Dynamics TC was a great success  Any interest to try to cohost with another TC? 13

Goals for 2013 (1/2) Increase the committee’s activities in engineering education outreach  Mike Wolff and the subcommittee are very busy with the student design competition  I would still like to see us do some STEM outreach at conferences, like Dynamics TC does  Need more volunteers on education subcommittee or a parallel subcommittee to champion this effort 14

Goals for 2013 (2/2) Continued higher participation from the TC members  Each TC member should serve on 1 subcommittee –Friends (especially those wanting to become members) are highly encouraged to serve on subcommittees and can even chair them  Several subcommittees could use a few more people  Formation of other relevant subcommittees is always welcome –Just come talk to me about what you would like to do Help ease the transition to the New Event Model 15

Announcements Charles Rankin, a longtime friend of the committee, who passed away last year, will be honored with special sessions at the 2014 SDM  Mark Hilburger is organizing the sessions  Contact 16

Announcements AIAA Professional Development Programs started weekly 90-minute webinars  The demand has been high  AIAA is looking for subject matter experts to teach the webinars  A portion of the funds raised can be designated for the TC 17

Announcements Transformational Flight Program Committee is being formed  Objective: Establish a Transformational Flight Program Committee (PC) to carry-on the activities of the Emerging Technology Committee (ETC) Working Group (WG) to support constituent groups in the organizational development and creation of a technical program related to Transformational Flight.  Focus on transformational approaches to mobility through on-demand air transportation –TF PC serves as the focal point for electric propulsion, highly coupled aerodynamics, autonomous control, advanced vehicle configuration, intelligent transportation, and other specialists  Looking for interested parties and/or a liaison to the Structures TC –Let me know if you are interested 18


Standing Subcommittee Membership Steering (advisor to the Chair)  Brett Bednarcyk  Steve Engelstad  Tom Lacey  Lisa Hardaway  Mike Hyer  Steve Russell Education  Mike Wolff – Chair  Lisa Hardaway  John Zipay Agenda  Grant Henson - Chair  Craig Collier  Norm Knight  Bob Sierakowski

Standing Subcommittee Membership Student Papers Awards  Rob Taylor - Chair  Michael Enright  Harry Hilton  Mike Hyer  Mary Mahler  Marc Schultz Awards  Brett Bednarcyk - chair  Massimo Ruzzene  Anthony Palazotto  Rob Taylor

Technical Committee Relationships Transformation Flight PC will host AIAA members and non- traditional AIAA members that might not be inclined to join a TC, but is nonetheless interested in participating in creating an on-demand aviation- based transportation capability. (e.g. venture capitalists, intelligent transportation infrastructure, service providers, vehicle designers, etc.) non-AIAA members non-TC AIAA members General Aviation TC GN&C TC Propulsion TC Unmanned Systems PC Green Engr PC Transformational Flight Aircraft Design TC Intelligent Systems TC Other TCs & PCs