What is Bug Club? Bug Club is a reading scheme that is based on phonics. It is finely levelled which ensures that each child can find a book at exactly the right level for them. Each child has an online personalised homepage where they'll find the eBooks they've been allocated by the teacher.
What is Bug Club? cont. Bug Club books are graded into colour-coded Book Band levels which match those already used in school.Book Band levels Within each level there is a carefully planned progression of books. This fine progression gives children plenty of opportunity to develop their reading skills at the appropriate level.
How Bug Club is used in school Children have access to the books during guided reading. Follow-on tasks are given to your children during their guided reading sessions. They have been using the iPads in school to access the site to familiarise them with the home access. Class sets have been allocated and will be given to your child by their class teacher – these will not be changed until the previous book is returned. Runs alongside our current phonics programme of Read Write Inc.
How to use Bug Club at home Demonstration of Bug Club Ideally, children will access the site at least twice a week at home to read their books and answer the matching questions. This is not a replacement for reading with your child and they will continue to bring home a reading book for this. If using an iPad to access the site, please ensure ‘Pop-up Blocker’ is switched off (settings, Safari, block pop-ups)
How to access Bug Club at home Visit: Username will normally be the childs first name and their initial of their surname e.g. Laura Sewell – LauraS Password: 1234 School code: BOPA Slips with this information will be provided in the coming weeks.
Being part of a Case Study School Bournemouth Park Primary School has been chosen to be part of a case study. We are taking part in a project with the Institute of Education and Pearson. The project includes schools across the UK and looks at how we use the Bug Club reading materials as well as their impact on reading attainment.