Teaching Languages : primary class teacher extended course HIAS Primary Languages Team Jackie Berry & Fiona Scovell
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Extended Course Dates Day 1 21/01/2010 Day 2 28/01/2010 Day 3 04/02/2010 Day 4 11/02/2010
DAY 1 - PROGRAMME (am) 09:00Coffee and registration 09:30Welcome and Introduction 09:40Primary Languages & the National Picture 10:00Linguistic Element 1 11:00COFFEE 11:15Presenting and practising language 12:30LUNCH
DAY 1 - PROGRAMME (pm) 13:30Linguistic element The Key Stage 2 Framework for Languages 15:15Questions, feedback and evaluation – what next? 15:30CLOSE
What we hope you will achieve from today Know about the national picture Gain confidence and competence in own language skills Be able to present and practise language with your class Begin to have an overview of the KS2 framework for languages and how it can support you in your teaching
Why teach Primary Languages? KS2 Framework for Languages, part two, page 4 Enriches the curriculum Helps to create enthusiastic language learners and develop positive attitudes to language learning throughout life. Stimulates children’s creativity Supports oracy and literacy Leads to gains across the curriculum Supports and celebrates the international dimension. We have to…
1. What proportion of the British population speaks a foreign language? A: Three quarters B. Two thirds C. Five sixths D. One third
1. What proportion of the British population speaks a foreign language? A: Three quarters B. Two thirds C. Five sixths D. One third
2. What percentage of British trade is with non-English speaking countries? A: 15% B. 34% C. 60% D. 88%
2. What percentage of British trade is with non-English speaking countries? A: 15% B. 34% C. 60% D. 88%
3. How many people in the UK are learning a foreign language? A: 20 million B. 12 million C. 56 million D. 5 million
3. How many people in the UK are learning a foreign language? A: 20 million B. 12 million C. 56 million D. 5 million
4. What percentage of the world’s population does not speak English at all? A: 6% B. 75% C. 23% D. 59%
4. What percentage of the world’s population does not speak English at all? A: 6% B. 75% C. 23% D. 59%
4. Which country’s calendar includes such dates as Tooth- hardening Day, Anti-gravity Day and Full Moon Gruel Festival? A: ChinaB. Japan C. Iran D. Thailand
4. Which country’s calendar includes such dates as Tooth- hardening Day, Anti-gravity Day and Full Moon Gruel Festival? A: China B. Japan C. Iran D. Thailand
Language Learning - nationally Languages for All; Languages for Life National Languages Strategy (KS4 opt-out) National Languages Strategy (KS4 opt-out) KS2 (or Primary) Entitlement - KS2 (or Primary) Entitlement - a challenge, but an opportunity too! a challenge, but an opportunity too! Funding introduced Funding introduced Hampshire as a Pathfinder Project Hampshire as a Pathfinder Project
5. The entitlement for languages says… A: All children throughout key stage 1 and 2 must learn a foreign language B.All children throughout key stage 2 must have the opportunity to study a foreign language C. All children throughout key stage 2 must have the opportunity to learn a European Language D. All children in key stage 1 and 2 must learn one of the major European languages
The entitlement Every child should have the opportunity throughout keystage 2 to study a foreign language and develop their interest in the culture of other nations. They should have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities, making use of native speakers and e-learning. By age 11 they should have the opportunity to reach a recognised level of competence on the Common European Framework… Every child should have the opportunity throughout keystage 2 to study a foreign language and develop their interest in the culture of other nations. They should have access to high quality teaching and learning opportunities, making use of native speakers and e-learning. By age 11 they should have the opportunity to reach a recognised level of competence on the Common European Framework…
5. The entitlement for languages says… A: All children throughout key stage 1 and 2 must learn a foreign language B.All children throughout key stage 2 must have the opportunity to study a foreign language C. All children throughout key stage 2 must have the opportunity to learn a European Language D. All children in key stage 1 and 2 must learn one of the major European languages
6. Languages will be a compulsory part of the KS2 curriculum from… A: 2008B.2009 C D. 2011
Dearing Report: : Recommendations All primary schools to teach foreign languages by 2010 (September) All primary schools to teach foreign languages by 2010 (September) Every child in England will start learning a modern foreign language in primary school from the age of seven. Every child in England will start learning a modern foreign language in primary school from the age of seven. From 2010, it will be a compulsory part of the national curriculum for children from the age of seven to 14 to study a modern foreign language, as the government attempts "to put languages at the heart of learning", said the education secretary, Alan Johnson. From 2010, it will be a compulsory part of the national curriculum for children from the age of seven to 14 to study a modern foreign language, as the government attempts "to put languages at the heart of learning", said the education secretary, Alan Johnson.
Independent Review of the Primary Curriculum: Final Report - Sir Jim Rose, 30 April 2009 Languages will become a statutory requirement of the National Curriculum at Key Stage 2 from In order to fulfil this entitlement, schools will be required to introduce languages progressively by year group from September 2011, starting with Year 3.
6. Languages will be a compulsory part of the KS2 curriculum from… A: 2008B.2009 C D. 2010
Language Learning - nationally KS2 (or Primary) Languages - One hour per week, most of which in curriculum time Across the Key Stage Progression towards NC Level 3/4 at end of KS2 / Breakthrough level of the Languages Ladder Creation of a 7-14 Languages Curriculum KS1 ?
Weekly time allocations Entitlement: 1 hour 1x 20 minutes discrete language learning 4 x 10 minute sessions in other curriculum areas or in daily routines 3 x 20 minutes 4 x 15 minutes Blocking of Intercultural elements
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CILT Local Support Groups FREE Training & Networking Sessions Local Support Groups (LSGs) provide free information, training and networking sessions for anyone involved or interested in primary languages. LSGs are a friendly and informal chance to network with colleagues in your area who are also involved in primary languages.
What does allons-y mean? A: Let’s get going! B.Why are we doing this? C. I can’t do this! D. I’m all at sea.
A: Let’s get going ! B.Why are we doing this? C. I can’t do this! D. I’m all at sea. What does allons-y mean?