Salford: How well are we doing?
Early Years Foundation Stage
Percentage of children scoring 6+ in all PSE & CLL scales
Percentage of children scoring 6+ in all mathematical development
Key Stage 1 All subjects have improved at L2+ in excess of the national trend (reading – top quartile). Reading and writing have improved at L2b. Only reading has improved at L3. Attainment is above or in-line with national averages. Against statistical neighbours, the LA is 1st in all subjects at L2+ and L2b+ and above average at L3.
Statistical neighbours: percentage of children attaining level 2+ in Reading, writing and mathematics in 2009
Statistical neighbours: percentage of children attaining level 2B+ in Reading, writing and mathematics in 2009
Key Stage 2 Based on provisional data, outcomes at KS2 are improved from last year. At L4+, combined English and mathematics has held steady (72%) and is now in- line with national, as is English. Mathematics is above national average. The LA is above national average for year on year change in all three measures at L4+. At L5, attainment in combined English and mathematics is static and below national, caused by a slight decline in English, although mathematics has improved. Attainment of more-able pupils is an issue. Against statistical neighbours, in combined English and mathematics at L4+, the LA is 5th and 4th in the three year trend. At L5, performance is below the average.
Percentage of children attaining level 4+ in English and mathematics
Percentage of children attaining level 4+ in English
Percentage of children attaining level 4+ in mathematics
Looked after Children There were 17 looked after children who took SATs in summer % attained Level 4 or above in English 71% attained Level 4 or above in mathematics 12% achieved Level 5 in English 12% achieved Level 5 in mathematics
Improvements to provision for writing and calculation in the Foundation Stage We should aim to get more children to level 3 in reading, writing and mathematics at key stage 1 We should be aim to increase the proportion of children attaining level 5 at key stage 2 Increase the attainment in all key stages of children entitled to a free school meal. Reduce to zero the number of schools in which less than 55% of the cohort attain level 4 or better in both English and mathematics