IOT POLY ENGINEERING FEB 2011 What are some options for disposing of used fuel rods? What are the pros and cons for each option? Drill Answer on a separate sheet of paper
IOT POLY ENGINEERING Non-renewable 1.Fossil Fuels Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum (Oil) 2.Nuclear – Uranium ore 2.Renewable Biofuels, Biomass, Geothermal, Hydro, Solar, Tidal, Wave, Wind Fuel Types Topic 1 Energy Sources – Fuels We’ll get to the rest in “Power Plants” DONE
IOT POLY ENGINEERING Fuels produced from renewable resources 2.Renewable Resources: A natural resource replenished by natural processes at a rate comparable or faster than its rate of consumption by humans or other users. Renewable Fuels Topic 1 Energy Sources – Fuels
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 3-5 Renewable Fuels – Biofuel 1.Any fuel with 80% content by volume of materials derived from living organisms 2.Ford’s “Model T” – 1 st affordable automobile – designed to run on ethanol 3.The diesel engine – invented 1897 – was designed to run on biodiesel 4.Biofuel is a form of stored solar energy 5.Biodegradable
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 3-5 Renewable Fuels – Biofuel 1.Bio Waste – biogas (methane) 1)Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) 2)Sewage sludge 3)Animal waste and manure 4)Used oils 2.Edible Foods Animal fats, vegetable oils, seeds, corn, wheat, sugar beets, sugar cane, etc. Sources
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 3-5 Renewable Fuels – Biofuel 3.Algae 1)Can grow far from farmlands and forests, minimizing damage to those ecosystems/food chains 2)Can be grown in sewages to digest pollutants and give oil Sources (cont.)
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 3-5 Renewable Fuels – Biofuel 1.Vegetable Oil 1)Lower quality (not quite edible) used for fuel oil 2)Restaurant cooking oil sold/stolen and used 2.Alcohol 1)Methanol, Ethanol (most common), Propanol, Butanol 2)Energy content comparable to gasoline 3)“Flexfuel” systems can run on gasoline or ethanol Biofuel Types
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 3-5 Renewable Fuels – Biofuel 2.Alcohols (cont.) 4)E85 – most common type – 85% ethanol, 15% gasoline. 5)Chemical Formula: 1.Methane = CH 4 2.Methanol = CH 4 O = CH 3 OH 3.Ethane = C 2 H 6 4.Ethanol = C 2 H 6 O = C 2 H 5 OH Biofuel Types Alcohol
IOT POLY ENGINEERING Biodiesel -Energy from oils of vegetables, animals, and algae -Can run on existing diesel engines -Similar energy as gasoline Renewable Fuels – Biofuel Biofuel Types
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 3-5 Renewable Fuels – Biofuel Biofuel Types - Biodiesel
IOT POLY ENGINEERING Biogas 1)Flammable gas from bacterial digestion of organic material a)Anaerobic digestion b)Decaying organic material 2)Landfills and other biodegradable wastes 3)Cow manure Renewable Fuels – Biofuel Biofuel Types 5.Solid Biofuels – Biomass 1)Natural products like wood 2)Can be burned as firewood or pellet stove Wood pellet stove
U.S. Biofuel Production Note: 2006/07 through 2010/11 are projected based on the February 9, 2007, World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates, the March 2, 2007, Grains and Oilseeds Outlook 2007, and the February 2007 USDA Agricultural Projections to 2016.
U.S. Maintains Corn Exports as Ethanol and Corn Production Expands
IOT POLY ENGINEERING 3-5 With one partner make a Pro/Con list for each type of energy discussed in Unit 3 (Coal, Natural Gas, Petroleum, Nuclear, Biofuels). List at least three items. Brainstorm ideas for how energy has changed society in the past 100 years in the areas of Social, Political, Economic, Environmental and Cultural. What would society be like without these energy sources. Classwork/Homework