The Bioeconomy and its Benefits to the Community Paul van der Werf, Chair
Who is the Mayor’s Sustainable Energy Council?
What is the Council’s Mandate? Promote, encourage and support sustainable energy projects for London’s economic and environmental benefit. 1.1 billion in energy expenditures annually 87% of this leaves London Increase the amount on money spent on local sustainable energy initiatives by $150 million by decreasing the amount exiting London
What is the Bioeconomy? Sustainable production and conversion of biomass into a range of food, health, fibre and industrial products and energy* * The European Bioeconomy in 2030
Canadian Bioeconomy* Dominated by energy production Stuttering with glimmers Contracted between 2003 and 2009 Some growth globally Canada lacks vision and a plan “to use these natural assets to Canada’s advantage.” *2012 David Sparling, Erin Cheney and John Cranfield “Not enough green in Canada’s bioproduct industry”
London’s Bioeconomy
Urban Biomass Each resident of Ontario generates kg or organic waste each year From household, commercial, industrial and institutional sources In City of London about 150,000 tonnes/year of biomass 12.5MW/electricity of 9,500 homes
Harvest Power Anaerobic digestion facility 70,000 tonnes/year of IC&I(e.g. fats, oils, grease, food waste) waste at 11% solids 5.6 MW combined heat and power 2.8 MW electrical power 5,200 tonnes/year granular fertilizer
Ethanol and Biodiesel Usage Londoners consume 29 million litres of ethanol annually* Valued at about $36 million annually (retail) Ethanol is produced in our region City uses 800,000 litres/year of B5 blend biodiesel (which contains 40,000 litres/year of pure biodiesel) * City of London 2012 Community Energy and Greenhouse Gas Inventory: Challenges and Opportunities
Intellectual and Entrepreneurial Capacity
How do we grow the region’s bioeconomy? Urban:Rural interface Urbanites net consumers of bioproducts Ruralites net producers of bioproducts How do we facilitate cooperation and integration? “A market of sophisticated buyers holds far more power than mandated or subsidized markets, and promises greater returns for investors and governments alike”* *2012 David Sparling, Erin Cheney and John Cranfield “Not enough green in Canada’s bioproduct industry”