An introduction to decomposition: Tut, clap or Jive Key Stage 1: Although decomposition is not explicitly mentioned in the key stage 1 programme of study, it is used when pupils break a task down to work out the steps in a simple algorithm or when they choose a part of a program to work on when they ‘create and debug programs’. Key Stage 2 : Solve problems by decomposing them into smaller parts.
Today we are learning about: decomposition ●I can break a sequence down into parts. ●I can say why this is useful.
Today we are learning about: decomposition ●I can decompose a sequence. ●I can say why decomposition is useful. ●I can say how decomposition is used when creating computer programs like animations or games.
Example simple slap, elbow, clap
Example - pushing the square. axpDFvUz8Eo&fe A similar sequence but to the left.
ydpJHyA A master at work! Can you decompose just one tiny part? Example - simple one armed tut
Tutting! Simple tutting Clapping Hand jive jhttps:// Clapping patterns explained Examples
Discussion 1.What is decomposition? 2.Why is it useful? 3.How is it used when creating computer animations or games?