Planning from the KS2 Framework Day Four Jackie Berry and Liz Lord
Work that brain! In French say the colour of the text NOT the word you see!
Planning As with any subject, lessons should be planned carefully to meet the objectives and tailored to meet the needs of the learners. The three-part lesson is just as important in Primary languages as elsewhere in the curriculum!
Planning Whatever the scheme of work it is the objectives from the KS2 Framework for Languages that must be met. Knowing how to use the Framework is, therefore, vital to help with planning. Let’s take a look!
Looking at Year 3 Where can you find a summary of the expectations for Y3? Find the page where the 5 strands for Y3 are summarised. What is objective L3.2? What 2 aspects of grammar are linked to it? Find 2 teaching activities linked to L3.2. Look at the IU strand & consider the extent to which your school is already meeting these.
Paired Planning Activity You will be asked to choose either 1 Oracy or 1 Literacy objective from Year 3 and devise a classroom activity to meet it. Use the suggested activities from the Framework to help with ideas. You can use any of the resources and/or materials we have here today to deliver the activity. Prepare to deliver your activity or feed back to the group from 2:45pm
Assessment Key Stage Two Framework Objectives Pupil Self-assessment Targeteers European Languages Portfolio Languages Ladder Asset Languages and Transition Document
Training Primary Languages team HTLC training courses LSG sessions Languages Conference CILT courses Links into Languages South-East east/index.htmlhttp:// east/index.html Training Zone (
Resources and Schemes of Work Key Stage 1 Key Stage 2 French German Spanish
Training zone Resources Online resources
Useful Local Authority Websites Hertfordshire GFL West Sussex GFL Northumberland NGFL Buckinghamshire GFL Sunderland MFL Staffordshire GFL
Next steps? The Hampshire languages team is available to offer further FREE support and training to schools and networks on request. If you would like us to deliver some INSET, a staff meeting or just come along to discuss languages provision in your school or network, please contact us. Fiona Scovell (AST), Castle Primary School, Portchester, Fareham, Hants.