The Wick Community Campus will comprise of the following: Replacement Wick High School Replacement community swimming pool Replacement community library Replacement for South PS and Pulteneytown Academy PS Tonight we will focus on the High School and the community facilities
WICK COMMUNITY CAMPUS Scottish Government funding contribution announced December 2010 Conditions attached to funding: The Government funding based on a pre-determined formula; roll, area per pupil and cost per square metre Revenue funded contract managed by Scottish Futures Trust, that is the contractor has to provide funding for approx. 2/3 rd of the cost, then the Scottish Govt will pay this back over a 25 year period
WICK COMMUNITY CAMPUS Contractual agreement with private sector consortium to design, build, finance and maintain the new school and community facilities (known as a DBFM contract) Contractual agreement is with Hub North Scotland Limited (the Hub) – explain that this is due to the Government funding being revenue The Council will own the building and employ the janitors, catering staff and cleaners The Council will remain responsible for administering school lets Hub will do repairs and maintenance
WICK COMMUNITY CAMPUS The DBFM contract with Hub comprises 3 distinct phases: New Project Request – produced by the Council; the project brief and the affordability cap; to be submitted to the Hub by the end of May 2012 Stage 1 – response from the Hub confirming whether or not the project specified can be delivered within the Council’s affordability cap (within 3 months of NPR submission) Stage 2 – the final submission from the Hub following completion of contract negotiations providing their final costs for the project (within 9 months of Stage 1 being signed off) At each of the above stages a Key Stage Review will be carried out by the SFT before the project can progress to the next stage We are currently in the process of finalising the New Project Request
WICK COMMUNITY CAMPUS In-house team have progressed the campus design to date The project design will be handed over to the Hub in early June 2012 Critical design principles must be adhered to The education brief and accommodation schedule agreed by the stakeholders cannot be fundamentally altered The configuration of the community facilities (library and pool) to ensure that these facilities continue to qualify for Rates relief The inclusion of a co-joined Primary School for 340 pupils, plus the appropriate Pre School facilities and resource bases
WICK COMMUNITY CAMPUS The next steps Agree design Passover over design and project management to the Hub Contract sign off by June 2013 Construction commences autumn 2013 Wick Community Campus opens in August 2015