School Attendance Bethan T James May 2013
All Wales Data- Secondary
Regional Comparison- Secondary
All Wales Data- Primary
Regional Comparison- Primary
Attainment comparison of Carmarthenshire and Ceredigion
FSM Pupils need to attend more regularly
FSM pupils attendance and attainment
% of pupils attending less than 80% of the time (= 1,400 pupils)
What can we do? Have a whole authority approach. Engage with parents when pupils are absent. Whole school approaches are best practice. Monitor data weekly, monthly and termly. Utilise the Pupil Deprivation Grant. Remodel the Education Welfare Service to provide more intensive support for pupils attending less than 80% of the time.
New Education Welfare Service x Senior Practitioner: Schools 4 x Social Worker: Schools 8 x Family Engagement workers Significant Welfare Concerns High Welfare Concerns Non- attendance issues