Level 7 Research Project Laura Bridge Robert Owen EBITT
Research Question Is there a relationship between the written component of the KS2 English scores and predicted underachievement across the curriculum in Year 9?
Research Question Is there a relationship between the written component of the KS2 English scores and predicted underachievement across the curriculum in Year 9? Relevance to current educational Climate Focus on Literacy Specifically Writing Across the curriculum Year 9
Key Stage 2 Data: SATS Results English Maths English Uses Recent changes Calculations English Maths
KS2 English Calculations English Reading Mark range N 0– – – –50 English Writing Mark range N 0– – – –50 English Overall Mark range N 0– – – – –100 + = = 44 Level 4 Reading Level 3 Writing + = Level 4 English
Rate of Progress: Year 9- School x If the pupil was working below the level of the test (B), not awarded a test level (N) (Department for education, 2012)
Predicted Progress against FFTD At secondary level, Fischer Family Trust bases its estimates of what pupils might be expected to achieve in GCSEs in each subject, given their test and teacher assessment performance in English, Maths and Science at Key Stage 2 and 3 (FFTD, 2013) Limitations Inaccuracy of tests (KS2 &3) Changes- Review: Teacher assessment Why not use teacher set Target Grade? Positive Aspects The achievements of pupils against these FFTD estimates are used in many teachers' performance management reviews, and in local authority judgments on school effectiveness. (W.Mansell, TES 2008)
School Data Analysis
School Progress Data Data trawl: Current year 9 English level 4 Reading 4: writing 4 Reading 4: writing 3 Exclude SEN students from research 71 Students in sample Reading 4: writing 4 =40 Reading 4: writing 3 = 31
The % of students with Key Stage 2 English Level 4 which are predicted not to achieve their FTTD Estimate in BTEC subjects in Year 9
Student Perception
Questionnaire Sample: Every year 9 student with a KS2 English Level 4 Sample size =71 (with SEN students removed) Methodology: Reading 4, writing 3 (31) Reading 4, writing 4 (40)
Ethical Issues/ BERA Guidelines Active participants: Questionnaire: Voluntary informed consent: Anonymity: Right to withdraw:
Questionnaire Results
Question 1) Which of these two skills do you think you are better at? Reading or Writing
Question 3: Has your writing ability ever stopped you from learning/ achieving?
Question 6) Which subject do you think writing skills are most important in?
Question 8) Are there any subjects that you think you aren’t doing well in because of writing skills?
Question 10) Do you find writing is more difficult in your BTEC or GCSE lessons?
Question 11) Do you find it difficult to write answers to exam questions that require full sentences/ paragraphs?
Question 13) Do you think the school needs to help students with writing skills more?
Conclusion Student Survey Data collected from student questionnaires would suggest students are aware of written communication impacting on their attainment Across the 4:4 and 4:3 groups there was a call for support in writing skills across the curriculum Data Trawl: There is evidence to suggest that there is a relationship between KS2 writing levels and underachievement in year 9 across the curriculum The level of underachievement is most significant in subject areas which are not traditionally as heavily focused on written assessments
Recommendations Heavier focus on written work across the curriculum: particularly in subjects that demonstrated highest levels of underachievement. Students with Reading level 4: Writing level 3 highlighted on entry Additional columns to teacher data set to increase awareness Planning in subjects highlighted with highest level of underachievement to incorporate a heavier focus on writing skills throughout lesson planning.
Future Studies Relationship to behaviour Relationship with FSM New KS2 assessment process Against achieved data rather than predicted M/F Inaccuracy of FFTD Estimates in comparison to teacher prediction Teacher questionnaire: level of focus on writing skills Number of students with interventions in place