Thursday, August 23, 2007 (1) Word of the Day : demography – the study of the characteristics of human populations, i.e. births, deaths, distribution, etc. (2)Chapter 2 concepts sheet is now available online (3)Quiz tomorrow on chapter one reading. Your concepts sheet should be complete by then. (4)Quiz Monday on regions and country locations (5)Short video clip – Cave Art (6)Todays lesson: How to read a document or analyze a visual (SOAPStone)
SOAPStone S –Who is the speaker? Be specific in describing the individual. O- What is the occasion? In other words, give the context in which the piece was created. A – Who is the intended audience? P – What is the speaker or authors purpose? S - What is the subject? Be as specific as possible. Address in concrete and abstract terms. (Consider: What does this tell us about the society that is depicted in the image?) T – What is the tone or general attitude expressed by the speaker?
Cave Art Paleolithic Cave Drawing, Lascau (la – sko), France 13,000 BCE - created over 15,000 years ago, deep in a cave - an expression of a culture - intended for a limited audience, private viewing - magical purposes related to the hunt
Friday, August 24, 2007 (1)Word of the Day : metallurgy (noun) muh tal ur jee – the art of heating metals to give them certain shapes. (2)Review regions and locations. Quiz on Tuesday (3)Quiz - Chapter One Reading (4)Chapter 2 Reading Guide (5)Wrap-up cave art analysis.
North Africa: Libya, Tunisia, Egypt West Africa: Chad, Ghana, Sierra Leone East Africa: Kenya, Sudan Equatorial Africa: Sudan, Rwanda Southern Africa: South Africa, Zimbabwe Middle East: Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Egypt, Yemen, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Syria, Iran East Asia: China, Japan, North Korea, South Korea, Mongolia, Taiwan Southeast Asia: Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam South Asia: India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan Latin America: Colombia, Guatemala, Panama, Mexico, Cuba, Brazil, Venezuela, Jamaica, Haiti, Argentina, Nicaragua