Surface = km² Population = inhabitants ROAD NETWORK – TOTAL km, of which: Motorways 300 km; Express roads 0 km; National roads km; County roads km; Communal roads km; Vehicle fleet = 5.3 mil. motor vehicles Driving license owners = 6,2 mil. ROMANIA
Dynamics of severe traffic accidents As a result of the undertaken activities, we succeeded in diminishing the traffic risk, being the first time when, for 2 years in a row (2009 and 2010), we had a decrease both of the number of severe traffic accidents and of killed and severely injured persons. The analysis on the dynamics of the severe traffic accidents recorded in the first trimester 2011, compared to the first trimester 2010, shows the descending trend of all specific indicators, respectively the reduction of the number of severe accidents by 8,2%, of killed people by 16,3% and of severely injured by 8,6 % ACCIDENTSDEATHSSEVERELY INJURED
The main causes of severe traffic accidents, 1 st trimester We can notice the fact that speed (with its two forms: inadequate and excessive) is a leading cause in generating accidents in the first trimester of 2011, followed by pedestrian infringements, not granting right of way to pedestrians and to vehicles. Speed Pedestrian infringements Not granting right of way to pedestrians Not granting right of way to vehicles Reckless driving
The National Strategy regarding road traffic safety between STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES 1.Improving the training and education of road users 2.Growing the level of compliance with the traffic rules 3.Safer road infrastructure 4.Safer vehicles 5.Promoting the use of modern technologies in order to improve traffic safety 6.Improving the intervention and victim recovery services 7.Improving safety for vulnerable road users
Road traffic education – is an essential component of general permanent education, starting from preschool children to senior citizens, aiming at knowing and proper putting into practice of the norms and regulations regarding road traffic. It focuses on the following objectives: 1.Making people aware of the risk they are exposed to, in case of breaking road traffic rules; 2. Determining the traffic participants to adopt a road traffic preventive behavior; 3. Reducing the number and consequences of road traffic accidents. ROAD TRAFFIC EDUCATION
I.Combating the main accident generating causes - speed; - not granting right of way II.Enforcement of seatbelt use - seatbelts, airbags, headrests, retention devices for children - helmets and motorcycle protection equipment ACTION METHODS
IV. Making road traffic-themed radio and television programs, through which: we publicize the message correctly and realistically, together with the efforts made and the obtained results; information and practical advice, having a preventive nature, are effectively transmitted, in order to reduce accident risks. V.Use the Internet facilities and mobile networks via applications for the platform of "smart phones" III. Making road traffic-themed videos with the aim of making road users aware of the road traffic risk and the consequences of not obeying road traffic rules and the principles of preventive behavior. ACTION METHODS
VI. Making prints producing leaflets and flyers writing press articles making promotional objects VII.Making a display campaign Making posters and banners Using “The Road Safety Caravan“. ACTION METHODS
THE ROAD TRAFFIC EDUCATION CARAVAN It will travel to each of the county municipalities, where it will stay for 2-3 days in the central areas of towns, according to a predetermined schedule, presenting road traffic-themed videos, banners, posters and leaflets having preventive content; On this occasion, "workshop" presentations will be made, regarding the proper use of the safety systems fitted to vehicles, the effects of eccentricities, alcohol, drugs and excessive speed, on road safety.
H igh-risk drivers - young reckless drivers - "pseudo professionals” TARGET GROUPS VV ulnerable traffic participant categories - pedestrians (children and elderly); - two wheeler users (bicyclists, moped riders and motorcyclists);
Thank you for your attention! Police Chief Commissary Marin MOTOC Deputy director Romanian National Traffic Police