Levelling at KS2/ Important factors to consider: New GCSE style of grading will be 1-9 Old style NC levels do not tell pupils or parents how pupils are doing compared to the national average and do not fit neatly with GCSE style grading KS2 Primary grades/systems do not always reflect KS3 Secondary grades/systems Any new system would have to work within the Performance Management and accountability systems of a school
Emerging 123 Expected 4 5 Exceeding 6 7 Emerging 1234 Expected 5 6 Exceeding Expectations by the end of Key Stage 2 Expectations by the end of Key Stage 3 (dependent on whether your school has a 2 or 3 year KS3)
Emerging 1b/s/g2b/s/g3b/s/g4b/s/g Expected 5b/s/g 6b/s/g Exceeding 7b/s/g 8b/s/g 9b/s/g Each level can be obtained at either “Bronze, Silver or Gold” status. This replaces the “c,b,a” old style of grading. Bronze: beginning to show/demonstrate/apply Silver: can show/demonstrate/apply Gold: consistently shows/demonstrates/applies
Benefits Simple continuity KS2 > 3 Parents understand expectations for their child at each KS Pupils understand and engage (bronze/silver/gold) Allows for accountability of staff (progress data) Numbering system fits with new GCSE style grading