Welcome to Zouch Academy
Key Stage 2 Parents Information Evening Wednesday 9 th September 2015
Evening Overview 1.Introductions 2.Update Values based education and British Values Our badge and our uniform Curriculum overview Attendance and punctuality Homework After School Club at Zouch 3.Working together – ‘you said we did’
What Do We Want Our Children To Be like When They Leave Our School? Confident. Competent readers, writers and mathematicians. Able to get on well with others – be able to show empathy. Honest, empathetic and trustworthy – effective members of society Be able to learn independently and love learning! Young adults with high aspirations for themselves. Responsible. IT competent – able to use new technologies which may not even have been invented yet Able to communicate effectively (high levels of oracy) Resilient and reflective.
Values Based Learning Zouch Academy is a Values School. It is our Values that determine our thinking and behaviour. Through a Values-based Education, a positive culture for teaching and learning is created which is based upon valuing ourselves, each other and the environment. Our School Values support the development of the whole child. The ethos of our school is built on a foundation of 12 core Values which are addressed directly through lessons, assemblies and across the whole curriculum. Each term we focus on a particular Value. We learn to understand what the Values looks like and how we can demonstrate the Value, in the way we behave, in our attitude towards each other and in our learning. Parents are encouraged to develop the monthly Value at home and have the opportunity to nominate their child for displaying the Value. This terms VALUE is Responsibility
British Values We have talked about personal values, but can a country have values? DFE – why ‘British’ Values ‘Keeping our children safe and ensuring schools prepare them for life in modern Britain could not be more important. This change is an important step towards ensuring we have a strong legal basis for intervening in those schools where this is an issue.” The government has set out its definition of British Values as: democracy the rule of law individual liberty mutual respect tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs Here at Zouch we actively promote each of the British Values through everyday school activities
Our Academy Badge
Our Uniform! Our School Uniform is important to us. It is one way in which we identify ourselves as a school family and it promotes a strong, cohesive school identity which supports high standards and expectations in all areas of school life. ‘Look Smart - Act Smart’ Thank you for sending them looking so very smart!
2015/16 KS1 Curriculum We have made tremendous progress in all areas of school life and this year we are building on those improvements though: 1.Focus on ‘mastery’ across all subject areas and in particular in mathematics 2.Our plans to become an OUTSTANDING READING school 3.Using Talk 4 Writing (T4W) strategy as the main driver in developing high quality writing across the school. 4.Moving from ‘topic based learning’ to subject specific learning utilising subject specific skills – still great fun! 5.Working with subject specialists in Langauges, PE, music and Forest Schools to deepen and develop our pupils learning experiences.
Our Guide to Home Learning We have two types of Home Learning at Zouch Routine Home Learning – these are the activities we would like you to routinely do daily with your child/children. School Set Home Learning – these activities will be set by the school for completion for your child. The rationale……!
Attendance and Punctuality
OTIS is a brand new campaign to help improve attendance and punctuality in our school.
OTIS stands for On Time In School
Research shows that pupils with high levels of school attendance are more likely to benefit from education, achieve better exam results, and go on to have more successful careers.
Regular Attendance Regular attendance means that your child can make the most of their education, improving their chances in adult life.
Regular Attendance School will also help your child’s social skills, such as making and keeping friendships
Poor Attendance Irregular or poor attendance at school leads to children not doing as well as they should do in their learning.
Poor Attendance It can also affect them socially and emotionally.
= 1 DAY ABSENT 2 MONTHS OF PER WEEK (over the school year) LOST LEARNING!
Our school target is
How good is your child’s attendance?
It is important that your child attends school regularly and on time.
Arriving late can make your child feel sad, embarrassed and unsettled. They might miss important learning time too.
DID YOU KNOW…. You child will get a late mark if they arrive at school after 8:50am
DID YOU KNOW…. If you child is 10 minutes late for school every day, they will have missed one whole week of school by the end of the year! OUTSTANDING ATTENDANCE! VERY GOOD ATTENDANCE OK ATTENDANCE COULD DO BETTER REALLY POOR Where are you on the attendance ladder? ! POOR ATTENDANCE
Make sure you have a good bedtime and morning routine for your children. Make sure they have breakfast Prepare packed lunches the night before. Leave the house in plenty of time to get to school on time. Make sure uniform is ready to wear.
L ! Gate open at School STARTS 8:35am 8:45am You are LATE after 8:50am Registers close at 8:50am After you will not get a 9:15am mark for the whole morning session.
To go on holiday To go on day trips To go shopping To celebrate a birthday To babysit younger siblings When siblings are are ill Minor illness or tiredness End of the week or term
Please contact school (before 9am where possible) if your child is unable to attend school for any reason. Continue to keep school informed if your child is going to be off for more than one day.
Class certificates Individual prize draws Cash draws for £10, £5 and £3 OTIS special edition badge! £50 PRIZE DRAW Surprise AWARD!!!!!
Make sure you’re…. & every day!
If you need help with attendance or punctuality issues, our Inclusion Manager, Mrs Udale will be happy to help.
Working Together
Improving how we work together Working to improve what we do Parent Advice Forum Parent Teacher Association Parent Workshops Tell us how we are doing…….. What’s going well What’s not going well What else can we do to support you as parents and for our children?
And Finally! Please do let us know if there is anything you would like to assist with/share with us about your child and their progress. If you are happy or unhappy with the quality of provision please let me know.