Mission Critical: Any activity, device, service, or system whose failure or disruption in normal business hours will result in the failure of business operations.
Health Care Jobs Benefit Michigan’s Economy Health care is Michigan’s largest private-sector employer. more than 546,000 direct jobs direct health care employees earn more than $30 billion in wages, salaries and benefits Michigan hospitals alone employ more than 219,000 people
Health Care Jobs Benefit Michigan’s Economy Michigan’s Medicaid program brings hundreds of millions of dollars in federal funds to the state. every dollar Michigan invested in its Medicaid program in 2011 generated an additional $2.48 in federal matching funds
Community Benefits Medicaid caseloads are at a record high 1.9 million Michiganians, at the same time that more than 1.35 million residents are without health care coverage. Michigan hospitals provided more than $2.6 billion in community benefits in More than $882 million in unreimbursed care –$565 million in bad debt –$317 million in charity care NAME OF HOSPITAL $XXXX in uncompensated care in YEAR
Patient Safety and Quality MHA Keystone Center NAME OF HOSPITAL is participating in: –XXXX XXXX is also an MHA PSO member hospital.
Higher quality care helps lower costs. Michigan hospital costs were 3.43 percent below the national average in Michigan hospitals perform better than or equal to the nation on 25 of the 30 process-of-care measures established by the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. A recent State Snapshots report by the Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality shows that Michigan performs the best across all measures in hospital care. Making Care Affordable
Mission Critical: … Furthermore, as a rule in crisis management, if a triage-type decision is made in which certain components must be eliminated or delayed, the mission critical ones must not be among them.
For more information: HOSPITAL STAFF NAME TITLE PHONE MHA Contact: Peter Schonfeld, Senior Vice President Policy & Data Services (517) Read the MISSION CRITICAL — Michigan Hospitals: The Heart of Our Communities, the Key to Our Recovery report at