HEADSTART Raising the resilience of young people aged to prevent them developing mental ill health in the future
Part of the Big Lottery Fund’s Fulfilling Lives programme - aimed at raising the resilience of young people aged ( initially 14) to prevent them developing mental ill health in the future 1 of 12 areas identified to deliver the programme Stage 2, initially £500,000 funding to develop and implement an 18 month pilot project, now extended a further 6 months to July 16 Stage 3 will give access of up to 10 million over a 5 year period Young people’s Advisory/Exec Group advise and direct project development and wider governance structure
Works in 2 school clusters - 1 secondary school and 2 feeder primaries, supported by HeadStart advisors, CAMHS advisory posts, family support workers and youth workers Universal resilience programmes delivered to all year 6 pupils and a percentage of the year 7 and 9 students Targeted programmes have been commissioned as a result of robust consultation with young people. Programmes include on-line counselling, walk and talk CBT therapy, peer mentoring, training programme, speech, language and communication, programmes for young people affected by parental substance misuse, video interaction guidance and digital project. The project will be evaluated both locally and nationally throughout 2015/2016
What this will mean for schools – next 12 months Full consultation with every school from September 2015 Focus on developing resilient schools – supported by expert partners Develop the integrated approaches between HeadStart and Blackpool Challenge Partnership – “resilience” being the glue that binds the partnership approach Develop the stage 3 bid and articulate the Blackpool school approach with links to the family home and wider community
Preparation for stage 3 Part time senior lead, full time programme lead, full time young apprentice and part time educational psychologist to drive forward the development supported by partners Full consultation with young people, families, professionals and wider community Review evaluation data Project design to be articulated by December followed by further consultation and completed by deadline of Feb 16 Review and re design of governance structure to support development of stage 3 Focused workshops with key stakeholders through the BLF support and development contract
Preparation for stage 3 Submission to be judged on an on going process including development of key documents and clear articulation of the programme design and delivery, with focus areas of leadership and governance, sustainability, co- production and whole systems change If successful at stage 3, then funding will be available July 16