Local Economic Growth and Environmental Stewardship January 7, 2008
The Needs of the Local Economy and its relationship to the Local environment have changed dramatically over time - although this may not be perceived by local residents
In the Past: Economy dependent on extraction of copper ore & wood fiber Extraction’s impact on the local environment was of secondary importance to creating local jobs Economy & environment seen as zero sum relationship
Since 1985 KEDA has worked to: Transform the Keweenaw economy from one characterized by extraction by a few large companies to..
...an economy characterized by: Value-added activities Performed by smaller companies Started by local entrepreneurs Using a higher level of technology And producing higher paying jobs
These jobs are filled by: Local residents who want to remain in the community Visitors, e.g., college students, vacationers, etc. who also want to live here.
Companies also want to be here: Lower business costs Access to Michigan Tech students & others Ability to attract & retain talented people
And, talented people want to be here: Family sustaining jobs Ability to enjoy & recreate in this easily accessible and beautiful environment
That is, the relationship between our economic needs and our natural environment has now changed in a fundamental way! That is, the relationship between our economic needs and our natural environment has now changed in a fundamental way!
The health of the Keweenaw economy is now dependent upon and interconnected to the health of our natural environment! The health of the Keweenaw economy is now dependent upon and interconnected to the health of our natural environment!
In order to grow jobs, we must be able to offer a great quality of life, including a cared-for natural environment in which to live and recreate. In order to grow jobs, we must be able to offer a great quality of life, including a cared-for natural environment in which to live and recreate.
The LSSI will help to instill appreciation for and stewardship of the Lake Superior Region. This will have a direct, positive impact on our ability to create a strong, sustainable economy The LSSI will help to instill appreciation for and stewardship of the Lake Superior Region. This will have a direct, positive impact on our ability to create a strong, sustainable economy